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A disastrous evening at the studio, Deku's head began to deliberately plummet from his hand, a race of adrenaline now hurling throughout his body. Nevertheless, it rapidly disappeared after. His eyes were scarcely open.

Was this what deceasing felt like? 

All he could dream for right now was a few seconds of rest.

His computer screen was glaring light into his dim sights that endangered to close off any moment. Fighting off sleep was the one thing he was never good at.


"Ay, wake up."

Katsuki jabbed him with his palm; careful not to knock the boy over so he wouldn't wake up with a harsh attitude against him, then hold a grudge for the entirety of the day. 

The greenette opened his eyes and shortly sat up before looking around himself, "What the hell?" He goes, just before gazing up at the blonde male who appeared more apprehensive rather than pissed. "...Sorry."

"Don't sweat it, we all have our moments." 

all he could feel was his tight muscles stretching bitterly. Katsuki set down a white cup that had a lid on top of it, securing the liquid substance that was unknown at the moment. Deku picked it up and took a small sip out of it.

"This coffee tastes weird."

"That's probably cause it's not coffee."

Deku grumbled and set the cup down before running his hands through his tangled curls. "You can go and clean up, I'll pick some of this mess up and make your life a little easier."

Izuku did as told, making his way from the studio and out into the hall. He walked past multiple people who looked so awfully put together for seven in the morning. The sun hadn't even come out yet, he didn't know how people did this.

When he turned, he has vastly met eyes with the one and only Uraraka. She gave him a grin before plopping a singular hand up and onto his shoulder harshly, "Watch it next time, yeah?"

Just then, she walked off and into another room that looked identical to his own. He hadn't ever despised someone more than that girl. He walked into a nearby bathroom and instantly felt oddly awake. He went over to a sink and ran his hand under the water. 

It was automatic? That's weirdly fancy...

He took some of the liquid and ran it throughout his hair to cool down the frizz he had going on. 

Suddenly, Katsuki stepped into the bathroom and gazed over at the boy next to the sink. He furrowed his eyebrows, "The little princess is out there complaining 'bout you." He went to the sink and sloped his hands into his own pockets. 

"How about just the two of us go out for some drinks tonight, it'll give you a break."

Deku looked over at him with a grin, "As much as I'd love to--"

"Come on! Live a little."


Before Izuku knew it, he was sitting at the bar with a drink in one hand and his phone in the other. Katsuki, of course being by his side as per usual, he was quite concerned by how much he had drunk.

Yeah, he was the one who asked if he'd like to go with him, yet this was not what he had been expecting. He had lost track of how many drinks the shorter male had consumed.

As Deku brought the glass cup up to his lips once more, Katsuki put a hand out and tugged it. "I think that's enough, don't you think?" 


"Cause-- Just..." He set the drink down and gave it back to the bartender, motioning him to take it away as quickly as possible. Maybe this guy would have drunk himself to his death if vocalizing wasn't his thing? "I just think I should take you home now."

Izuku groaned, resting his head in his palm and giving Katsuki a glare. "I really am f..."

He paused, regaining himself, "-Fine."


He was definitely not okay like he said.  He was being pushed into his house by Katsuki, barely able to stand straight without stumbling into a wall or a chair. "Go sit down, I'll get you some water and bread."

Katsuki made his way into the kitchen and opened every cupboard till he found a glass and a loaf of bread. He filled the cup full of ice, then put water into it before pulling out two slices of white bread. 

He walked out to the living room, only to be met with an empty room.

"Goddamn it..."

He looked around, spinning in a three-sixty before hearing gagging in the bathroom a few feet away. He walked up to it and knocked. "Hey, do you want me to stay here?"

No reaction.

He opened the door and stared down at the unconscious boy on the ground. Instantly, he got down and set the food and water on the counter, being careless about any germs. His main priority was to get Deku up and off from the floor.

He picked the male up and to his surprise, he was lighter than he looked. He walked over to the bedroom and set the guy down on the bed, pulling the covers over him. 

There was definitely something going on. 

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