Chapter 8: A Lashing in Chains

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I could hear the sound of cheering spectators as I regained consciousness. They weren't as loud as the coliseum, but their intent was just as ruthless. It took me a while to get my eyes open, and it didn't help in the least that I was on my back with the sun right overhead.

Judging by my position, I knew I couldn't be strapped to the lashing post. I still had shackles on my wrists and ankles, but an extension was attached to the chains by my wrists. Once I finally got my eyes to focus, I searched for the end of the extension.

My heart jumped when I saw Brutus holding the chain. From this angle he looked just as tall as he did when I was ten. I staggered to stand to prove to myself that I had grown up. I stayed as far away from him as possible despite the extension just in case he was ordered to knock me out again.

Brutus smiled. "That's a nice black eye you've got there, Marcus."

On the bright side, Brutus had managed to injure my right eye instead of the left which was still healing from the last battle I fought. I knew I looked like a raccoon, but at least I wasn't left completely blind.

As if he read my mind, he explained, "I was careful not to damage you too badly."

Why should he care? I was about to die by a lashing, and his semi-kind gesture wasn't going to win him his life back.

I probably only had a couple of minutes to plan his demise before I faced my own. I would prefer escaping, but I was set on killing Brutus if it was the last thing I did.

Marcus would forgive me; he would understand.

That's what I told myself... just to make it better.

I quickly took in my surroundings to analyze the situation. Hundreds of people crowded the square, blocking all exits and access to anything remotely resembling a weapon. The only thing that sat within the circle of blood thirsty citizens was the lashing post, and that didn't serve my mission in the least. I looked back at Brutus; he crossed his arms and stared at me in anticipation, waiting for me to make the first move. I looked down at the extension chain and decided that strangling him was my best option, unless the Captain or his legion of angry guards intervened.

I took a few steps towards Brutus, chain in hand and murder on the mind. He didn't move, stopping me with his words instead. "I think you've got bigger problems to worry about."

I spun around to see the people parting for the Captain and his horse, followed by two other guards on foot. The Captain stopped just beside the lashing post, dismounted, and passed the reigns over to one of his men. He pulled a slick, black whip out of a pouch attached to his horse's saddle before the guard ushered the animal back through the crowd and out of sight.

The crowd fell silent before the Captain spoke. "Well, well, well. It's nice to see you again, boy."

A freshly torn cloth was wrapped around the stump where his other hand used to be; I couldn't help but smirk. "And you, Captain!" I teasingly waved my right hand in his direction, and then withdrew it in mock concern before sarcastically saying, "Oh, I'm sorry. That was inconsiderate of me. How's your wound healing?"

Nobody dared to laugh for fear of punishment, but I had an odd feeling that Brutus was discreetly smiling with amusement behind me.

The Captain was silent for a moment, but then he actually smirked at my retort. "You're a comical fellow. What's your name?"

"Why should you care?"

"I like to know who I'm killing."

"Well, I guess you'll be left wondering."

He wasn't satisfied with this. He addressed Brutus, "What's his name?"

"He wouldn't say, sir."

I was surprised to hear his lie, but I wasn't about to turn around and thank the man.

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