Chapter One - Izuku Yagi and the Springtime of..

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"YOUTH!" A bushy green-haired boy yelled joyfully as he jumped around the Yagi (and yes Yagi) household pumped up for the day. His name is Izuku Yagi. This action in turn woke up his parents and twin sister up from their beauty sleep.

It has been always like this ever since his 4th birthday, One morning he became..well..youthful. Although the doctors from their tests couldn't detect any signs or semblance of a quirk, Izuku at times somehow was able to walk on walls and even the ceilings at times.

Sadly, people (and I mean his immediate circle) believed he was quirkless. Well aside from his hip-cool attitude friend Bakashi Bakugou. Bakashi himself has what seems to be a similar "quirk" to the youthful teen. Although thankfully for many, he was instead reserved and seems to be popular with a face mask. Legends say he was born with a facemask already on his face.

How did he befriend Bakashi? Well, Izuku declared him as his Eternal Rival the day he returned back to class after his Quirktor's appointment. Ever since then, Izuku kept challenging Bakashi to numerous activities. They at times train with each other to better their abilities and the like.

Aside from his Eternal Rival, no one treats him as a person. Oftentimes he has been neglected by his parents and is constantly being beaten down by his ex-best friends (I am not naming them as it is the regular Yagi-Neglected ones).

With his youthful grin, Izuku made himself his breakfast of super-spice curry rice and curry udon. Once finished, he ate them at a speed that by the time his twin sister walked down the stairs, he was already finished!

Soon, without looking at his sister, he zoomed out of the house with a yell that could be heard from the nearby neighborhood. "TIME FOR A DAILY DOSE OF YOUTHFUL TRAINING!"

Izumi POV

Izumi shook her head as she watched her brother run out of the door at speeds unknown to her. She keeps wondering if Izuku was the one tormenting her and her friends rather than the other way around.

Izuku POV

Izuku went to Dagobah beach to train at his favorite spot as he makes obstacle courses to train his reflexes when running. Sometimes he could see visions of a man he sometimes called his sensei in the art of what Izuku called "Goken" or "Strong Fist". He also has an energy system he uses for many things called "Chakra". How did he discover chakra? During a meditation competition with Bakashi, which conveniently also unlocked chakra at the same time too.

Unlike Izuku, Bakashi's left eye turned red with some weird black markings, the eye also makes Bakashi have to wear a headband to cover his left eye as it strains him as he couldn't turn off the red eye form.

Izuku then went on forth to practice Goken, punching and kicking random things at the trash-heap-of-a-beach. Then it came to practicing what he called the Eight Inner Gates. Why Eight? The guy he calls sensei refers to calling it that exact name when using it. He can only go up to 4 gates, but he is on the road to unlock more of the inner gates for him to use.

It was then when he returned home, he could hear a familiar voice from the side of his family's house. Why is the guy talking that loud? Izuku didn't know, so he walked up to the voice as he then began to hear things clearly.

"...Izuku!" Izuku could hear his sister as he went closer to where she is currently.

"SEE! I KNEW YOU HAVE THE HERO SPIRIT IN YOU!" Izuku became excited as he could hear the #1 Hero's voice. 'It's All Might!'

"NOW, EAT THIS! IT TASTES LIKE LICORICE!..I THINK." Connecting the dots, Izuku smiled brightly as he could clearly read what was happening. His sister is suggesting for Izuku to have an All Might-Branded Licorice Chocolate!

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Aug 28, 2022 ⏰

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