Chapter one: Where. What. How.

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" people talking"

' thoughts'

Bold - orc language

Chapter one:

Bright lights are first thing Y/N sees when she opens her eyes, squinting up at the sky. The light is quickly blocked out by a tall grey figure looming over her slim 5'7 frame.(she's 23 years old just so u get an image).

" Well, hello there miss Stark".

Y/N looks at the old man in grey and slowly recognition makes it's way onto her face when she recognizes with shock who she's looking at.


"Yes my dear, I am Gandalf, Gandalf the Grey." He says with a chuckle as he helps her to her feet.

Y/N takes the chance to take in her surroundings. She's amazed to see lush, vibrant green hills, a calm flowing stream, bright flowerbeds scattered by every round and equally as colorful door.

She turns back to Gandalf, " How did I get here? Why am I here?" she says with slight frustration in her voice even though she tries her best to hide it.

" All will be explained in good time my dear, now there isn't much time so listen closely—

" But Gandalf—

" at sunset, look for the home of a hobbit by the name of Bilbo Baggins, it will be a bright green door at the far end of Bag-End, I will meet you there with the others. Good luck!" He yells as he gets farther away from her.

" What, Gandalf how am I supposed to!— Y/N throws her hands up and drops her head with her hands on her hips in frustration letting out a groan.

' Well, at least I still have my suit and weapons with me' she thinks to herself.

Y/N pushes the charm on her necklace which looks like a small arch reactor and the suit retracts back into the charm to reveal her black combat boots, black cargo pants with plenty of pockets for weapons and navy blue polo shirt. She also had a holster for her two handguns.


'Holy shit, i'm in Middle Earth' I look around shocked.
I look behind me and see a fairly large, dark bag on the ground that stands out against the vibrant grass. I go over to it and look in finding amo for my guns a large quiver of arrows and my fold up bow I got as a gift from Hawkeye. I take the quiver and bow putting both on my back. Standing back up I take one last look around before grabbing the bag and walking in the direction of Bag-End.

' Thank god Peter made me watch 'The Hobbit' and 'LOTR' with him and the rest of the avengers.'

After a while of walking I come to a bright green door.

"I hope this is the right house cause it's been a while since I've watched this movie" I say to myself

I lay down behind a few bushes and wait for the sun to set when I get an idea.

" Jarvis, you there?"

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