The Right Thing To Do

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It's only been about two days since Jay's funeral, and the girls still didn't want to do anything. Hell neither did I. Zenyatta's wound was healing great so she felt a lot better physically, but emotionally her battle raged on. I intended to keep my promise I made and I did everything I could to make them feel better, but it still hurt them.

Right now the sun was just coming over the horizon. I was on a run by myself. I didn't want to disturb Zenyatta, plus someone had to stay with the girls. I was filling my pack with supplies like canned foods, boxes foods, water bottles and some unexpired candies for the girls. When my bag couldn't be filled anymore I walked out of the store I raided and walked back to the truck that was on the edge of town.

Once I spotted the truck I jogged to it, and stepped on a trap. I shouted in pain as the trap crushed my ankle and fell to the ground. I tested to see if my bone was broken, thankfully no but it still hurt like a bitch.

"Fuck." I said to myself. Suddenly I heard groaning and whipped my head around to see 15 walkers coming in my direction. They must've heard my shout. "Shit." I tried prying open the trap but it wouldn't budge. "Come on!"

When the walkers were about 20 yards away I took my rifle and shot them in their heads. 9 came down but then I ran out of ammo. I kicked myself for not bringing more. I tried opening the trap again, no luck.

Then I heard a gunshot.

I looked up and couldn't believe what I saw. Rick, Daryl and Glenn were shooting at the walkers and T-dog came up to me and pried open the trap.

"Come on." He said.

He helped me up and helped me get to my truck. He set me on the passenger side and ran around to the driver side. Rick and Glenn ran to their car that I didn't see and we all drove off.

T-dog spoke. "You alright man?"

"The fuck are you still doing here?"

"A thank you would be nice."

"Oh really?" I said with anger. "Should I also thank you for killing Jay?!"

"Look dude we are really sor-"

"I'm tired of your apologizes." I interrupted. "I told you to leave us alone."

"But if we left you would've been walker food. Just let us help you."

I didn't say anything else as we drove up the driveway. I saw Zenyatta and the girls run out of the house with worried expressions. But once I got out of the truck they were relieved and ran to me. The girls all hugged me at once and Zenyatta smiled and hugged me when the girls let go. When Ayla accidentally stepped on my foot I grimaced and groaned. Zenyatta became worried.

"Are you ok?" She asked.

"Foot got caught in an old trap. It's not broken just hurts."

She took my arm and dragged me to the steps on the porch. "Well let's get it cleaned and wrapped." She jogged inside to get the kit.

The girls all stood behind me and just stared at the other group. I glared up at them.

"The hell you still doin here?"

Rick answered. "Shane listen. We need your help."

"Oh so NOW you need my help?" I said sarcastically.

Rick sighed. "Look we just need some tools and the town doesn't have any left. One car broke down and we need to fix them. It won't take long. I swear."

I looked at each of them. What should I do?

"We should help them Shane." I turned back to see Zenyatta with the kit.

My Everything: Shane Walsh/OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now