The big game #2

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As a person who just started publishing a some time ago can I just say I love every single friends/readers of mine out there who support my work despite the hard circumstances I must face in my everyday life. Writing helps me to be occupied in something interesting in my life when I KNOW nothing in my life is going right the way it is meant to. ILY ALL. I don't even know how to thank you all anymore at this point tbh- so why the wait? Let's get into it... :)

Authors pov
Everybody made their way into the field and got extremely ready for the second big game. If Stray Kids lose this one- it's over. You quickly head over to the team to see what's up. Everybody was getting their gear ready. You made your way to Hyunjin and went on your tippy toes.

"Good luck~", you whispered in his ears. You expected him to blush but he just ignored you and left. Weird?? And not just Hyunjin?? Everybody left you- INCLUDING Felix. You felt like as if a knife just stabbed through your heart. What on earth did you do wrong?

Felix's pov
I made my way towards Hyunnie. "Is she gonna be okay?", I whispered still very worried for her.

"Oh-more than anything. I bet her stupid Taeyong would comfort her to bits", he said and I could hear the tone of jealousy in his voice. I'm not sure if this whole ignoring thing is gonna work- we need to do something. That's when somebody started smooching the back of my neck making me feel uncomfortable.

"Good luck honey~", she said nearly pecking my lips but luckily I moved away so it landed on my cheek. "Yeahhhhh- he is SO my boyfriend", she said walking away talking to her bitchy friends.

"She fucking represents the other team", Hyunjin scoffed.

"Why are you being jealous?", I smirked and I SWEAR I saw Hyunjin blushed a little.

"Come on", Hyunjin said pulling me to the field. The game was about to begin.

Authors pov
"There's no team without the captain", said a very familiar voice- it was Chan's.

"CHAN", Hyunjin exclaimed and jumped into his arms as the rest followed into the group hug.

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Awwwww :(

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Awwwww :(

This was it. Everything they needed. Now the game shall begin.

2 days ago
It was after school and you decided to stay in the library a bit to study. It was a little late so you headed back home. You walked past the soccer field to see a figure kicking soccer balls perfectly in the net. You walked towards the figure to find out it was Hyunjin. How long has he- 3 HOURS?! You ran in front of the goal and he kicked really hard as the ball landed underneath your stomach and you collapsed to the ground in pain.

"Y/N", Hyunjin said crouching beside you and carried you in his arms, bridal style. "Why the FUCK would you do that Y/n", he said as he walked you towards his car.

"You couldn't hear me and...I wanted you to stop...", you whispered back gently.

"Stop? You want me to stop Y/n? Do you think Chan stopped when he was trying to save me from a blood bath? Do you think Felix stopped after your stupid ex injured him on purpose? Do you think my team stopped running after they were exhausted? No. They didn't- and do you know why? Because we never let cheaters win no matter how many times we cheat. He cheated on you- you should understand-"

"- and that's why you shouldn't go against Taeyong. My mother said revenge is never the answer".


Silence filled the air.

"I-I'm sorry Y/n I never-".

"This is about Chan isn't it?", you said and he slowly nodded.

"Well then respect my mother just like you see the father-ness in Chan", you said getting out and slamming the car door on his face.

Present day
You were still sitting on the bench and "half time" was written on the main screen. What the fuck. Your whole cheerleading team was already on the field and Ji-ho was looking at you, concerned for your health. You looked at the score- 7- 8, 8 for Taeyong's team. You looked over at Stray Kids to see Minho clutching his head in pain and Jeongin, massaging his head with ice packs. Oh shit- Minho looks like he just got a concussion.

You saw Chan patting Hyunjin's back gently as a tear escaped his eye. You want to go there and hug him so bad.....but he hates you.

The whistle was blown and everybody went back on the field and you collapsed back on the bench. Chan walked towards you.

"Hey Y/nnie~ what's up?", he said sitting beside you. You leaned into his chest and lay your head on his shoulder. "Does Hyunjin even like me anymore?".

Chan was silent for a while and finally spoke when he felt a water droplet plop on his thigh. You were in tears. "What are you talking about Y/n? Ofc he does. He likes you more than anything! Fuck that- he LOVES you ". You hugged Chan and closed your eyes. You cannot bear the fact that your friends were going to be injured because of some motherfucker.

You heard cheering. You heard confetti. You heard happiness. You heard a name that was being chanted across the whole stadium. It was Hyunjin's.

You opened your eyes to see them holding the trophy.

You opened your eyes to see them holding the trophy

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They won. OMFg omfg omfg omfg omfg. THEY WON!

You RAN to the field but Felix held his hand before you could hug them.

"I'm sorry but you aren't a part of our team anymore Y/n", Felix said and he gently pushed you away.

Taeyong caught you. "Get that ugly uniform off Y/n. You're swapping with Heejin. I'll show these bloody traitors what's what at the next game".

Next game? But the trophy...ohhhhh shit- the game ain't done yet....

ohhhhh shit- the game ain't done yet

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