Kuch toh hai jo neend aaye kam🥰🥰🥰

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The above vedio is that of a Kannada song........................................... Do listen to it... It will surely give you a soothing effect and the voice is of my inspiration Ananya Bhat

Sooooooo, lets start.


So our sumellika were with their mothers while basantika were arranging the beds 

Basant spread out the cots while Monika was putting the bedsheets over it. When she was lifting one of the bedsheets from the to,  some dust particles fell in her eyes.

Now basically our Basantika were standing really close to each other and Dau was trying to take out the dust. 

At the same time sumellika came and when Mallika was about to scream Monika's name it was then Sumedh covered her mouth 

Now both of them were standing near the door waiting for the eye lock to end. Finally,  Mikku's phone broke their eye lock and good knows how much sumedh scolded her for not keeping it on silent. 

Dau:what were you two doing there standing near the door?????

Sumi:Nothing dau actually, (whispers in dau's ears) we didn't want to run the mood of the lovebirds you know...... 

Dau: You will have it nicely from me now. Shut up. 

Sumi:Mikku, come on there is no place for good people here. 

Moni:Mikku?????????????? When did this happen???????

Mikku: when did what happen??

Moni: seriously you let Sumedh call you as Mikku???? I had given you that name right?? You didn't even feel the need to ask me once??? Very baad Mikku very bad.

Mikku: Are chill Moni do you remember once you had told me that only my loved ones will call me Mikku and I don't need to take any permission from you for that???

Moni: yessss but it's only for loved ones right....... No way. Do you mean you both have already grown so close?????

Mikku: yuppppp 

Moni:Ohhhhhhhhhh so you have already started mission find Monika's Jiju hayeeeeee lovee you yaar......

Dau:  umm Monika ji, of your talks are done, would you please don't mind coming this side, I have to take something.....

Moni: Sure Basant jii 

Please note that all the conversations between Mallika and Monika is not so lots enough for Sumedh and Basant to hear. 

Mikku: but moni, you are more fast than me. But still you act innocent. You both were soooooooooooooooooooooooo close to each other's face just a few minutes ago and now aee jiii ohhh jiiii is going on?????? Something's fishy🤨🤨🤨 

Moni: Nothing mikku, it was just... ........

She was cut off when Sumedh and Basant called them.

They cut chat almost the whole night and then sleep at 4 in the early morning. Luckily both of them didn't have their shoot that day................

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sooo yessss updated after a loongggggg time......


And do tell me when is the time when you slept really late and why???????

and yesss sorry for the short and boring chapter. It was just a filler. The next part wil be surely intresting..................

Lodes of love,


Radhe Radhe!!!!

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