Untitled Part 20

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Here's a situation,

You are going back home from your school and some batard comes to you calling you baby and touches your lower back. You are in such a state where no one can help you even though you'd are in a crowd. Tell me what will be the right thing to do to such fuckig bastards. Who in spite of being a stranger calls you baby. How do we punish them when we don't know who that person is and we are not able to indentify who it was 

I am sorry for the language but just coudn't control myself. Why are such people still alive????????? That touch was just so uncomfortable and innapropriate.............. It literally felt sooooooo disgusting even to listen to it........... My closest friend went through this. Just as I reach home, I get her call.............. She started to cry over the call telling me that she is physically harrased............... 

Once again sorry for my language but I am so damn angry on that bulshit guy who did this

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