Memories More Than Love

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Eversince Hae in turned 25, he kept dreaming a tragic event where a girl crying hard on his side. He couldn't comprehend what was happening.

In his dreams, he couldn't move his body. He wanted to wipe those tears away from the girl. He wanted to shushed her. He wanted to hear what she was saying.

But he couldn't..

His dreams ends up with the girl being pulled away by a man. Her hands are full of blood and her clothes has blood stains.

Is it from him?

Is he dying on his dream?

Is it the reason why he can't move?

He don't know.

Everytime he wokes up from that dream, he would feel heavy and crying!

No, he's not a crybaby for goodness' sake!

But the heaviness on his heart made him cry.

He wants to know more about his dreams.

He wants  to know the woman's name.

He wants to know who was the guy pulling the woman.

But how can he start when it's that scene that kept replaying in his dreams?

Zilch. Nada. That's the only dream he has with the woman.

Until one day, he comes across to a bus stop and seeing the woman in his dreams smiling in that bulletin board poster.



Author's note: i am not fluent with English, so please bear with it.

If you watched SNOWDROP, you know the ending and i'm one of those fans who yearns for a continuation or whatever.

Here it is!

Updates depends on how my brain works for the story (i already have a story plot, just needed to create the scenes)

Ship responsively.


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