Chapter 2

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Warnings- neglect, abuse?
Ages-  Vincent (10) Amanda (9) twins anna and Sofia (3) William (just born)

"WILL SOMEBODY SHUT THAT DAMN BRAT UP I HAVE THINGS TO DO WITHOUT IT CRYING" I'm running up and down the stairs trying to keep the twins happy but also dealing with my new brother, Amanda my 9 year old sister went with our mother to attend the women's lesson whatever that is.

I walk into the nursery which held my brother "shhh it's alright I'm here" I say calmly picking him up trying to bounce him slowly, he gradually stops crying, it hasn't been long since his birth but it's strange all my other siblings already had their eyes open by now but William didn't it's probably nothing maybe he's just not ready yet
I smile as I think of him, I lose myself in thoughts when somebody enters the room        " Vincent?"
I look to see the voice which calls my name "oh good morning nanny el"

Ella was a beautiful young lady whom father hired her to be our nanny, she has the most gorgeous strawberry red hair and sparkling blue eyes, and she speaks in a low and calming voice "darling shouldn't you be in your lessons with Mr. Matteo?" she says as she's walking around cleaning the nursery and grabbing William from me "I needed to take care of the babies" I say passing a bottle that she missed

She stops and sighs "vincent your job isn't to take care of them your young you should be doing your lessons I will care for them"
I get what she's saying but I can't help it "vincent go now please" I could have fought with her but I decided not to be difficult

I leave the nursery and walk outside into the gardening, it's fairly large with rose bushes for miles, father hates it but keeps them for mother
I get to the back of the garden right before the barrier keeping us safe in our home, there is a small cabin which is called the schooling castle
Which is strange since it is MUCH small than an actual castle maybe like 95% Smaller.

I knock twice before opening. I walk in and recognize a large male with brown hair with thin black glasses holding a book in his right hand and a glass of what I think is wine in his left

"so you choose to show up" his dark deep voice kinda intimidated me "yes sir I'm sorry I was-" I get cut off by him slamming his book down "don't make excuses Vincent, you're a young male and the son of a very successful man, I'm not getting paid to wait for when you think you wanna show up" Matteo...I don't understand him, compared to Ella he is much different he's mature and one could say mysterious, one day father just brought him here and ever since he became my teacher. "Catch" I'm pulled out of my thought when he throws a sword my way

I barely catch it but I make sure not to drop it "a sword? Nobody uses swords anymore" I let out taking a closer look "how did you even get one of this they're not made anymore"

"A man should be able to take care and protect his family with any weapon" he spoke "take care of?" I asked "what do you mean? Matteo what's going on!?"

"Nothing don't worry let's just start training"

I don't understand why do I need to learn this it doesn't make any sense if nothing is happening why should I have to protect somebody?

The afton family AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن