More on the Nether

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Netherans were discovered long after the Old Builders arrived to Minecraft.

Compared to the Old Builders, they were pretty advanced. They had built multiple fortresses in the small space they had, and built machines called Blazes.

While they were building, the Blazes fended off Gasts, Zombie Pigmen, and other creatures in the Nether.

Years later the Old Builders discovered the Netherans and made peace with them. They made trade routes, discovered new materials and discovered a new source of food: farm animals.

The main source was pigs, which then evolved into Pigmen/Piglens... and the unfortunate ones turned to Zombie Pigmen/Piglens.

Long after that one of the Old Builders got curious about the new found materials and mobs and accidentally/on purpose created the Wither who then unleashed full destruction on the Overworld.

Once the Wither was killed by the power of the Blazes the Overworld and Nether swore to never cross paths again, and if they did, they would be killed on sight. 

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