Chapter 19

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"That would be all the formal part we have to go through." Nai said looking up from the paper in his hand.

"Okay, sir."

"Khun Tee, allow me to ask few more questions to get more input for the review." Tee nodded giving his agreement. Nai nodded back. The pair of the boss and the intern were sitting in the boss's office, doing the performance review that they had arranged. Nai managed not to stutter all the way and somehow, he got used being with Tee alone. The younger male had his own charm, Nai admitted.

Nai looked at Tee for a while. "How do you find your work so far?" Tee felt the question was quite similar to the earlier one, but anyway answered it.

"It's good. I mean, the things I learn so far, it's very interesting and give me more insight of a business and corporate works. Rather than knowing it from book, having a touch in the practical view I like it krub." Tee answered truthfully, slightly different from earlier.

"So, you like the work? Would you find the similar position after you graduate?" Nai asked. Tee looked at his boss for a while.

"I won't be picky about the position. I would like to use my existing knowledge in my career as well as always learn something new. I will be satisfied if it's the case, regardless whatever position or place I will go after this." Tee said. He's ambitious and confident about his future path. He did like this place but it won't be the only option for him. He wanted to see more of the outside to learn and gather experience.

Nai nodded slightly. "Even if let say we're offering you a position here, you can work here after you graduate?"

Tee smiled. "I'm very thankful if I'm given the opportunity, but I would like to save the decision when I graduated. I still have a year to go. If your side is okay with it, I'm grateful." Nai just nodded. It's his own curiosity anyway. He hadn't heard from Ikk or the HR about offering the interns a position.

"What's your thought about office romance?" Nai suddenly asked. Tee was a bit startled with the question but he tried not to show any reaction and calmly answered. He still remembered the first time Lucas was angry at their boss. Nai thought he and Lucas are together.

"Nothing is wrong with it as long as it won't disturb the individual performance and work." Nai nodded. Tee took a breath. "But if it's the rule of that place, I guess dating outside the office doesn't count right?" Tee muttered under his breath. Nai blinked.


"Nothing, sir." Tee quickly shook his head. Nai stared at the intern. He didn't get what Tee said earlier but he felt he had no right to ask again so he let it pass. Nai let a silence settled in between them for a moment.

"What's the most meaningful thing you learn while you're working here?" Nai asked. "It's fine if it's not about work. Anything can do." Nai added after he noticed Tee was frowning a bit.

Tee nodded a bit and took a breath. "Communication." Tee said. Nai looked at Tee as if giving signal for Tee to elaborate and the intern did so. "Working in a team, with people who had different background, lifestyle, behaviour, beliefs and such, communication is the medium to make the team worked well together. It's something that I won't really look into as I grow up. I'm not good making friends, so it's actually hard for me to talk with new people. All this while, I only have two friends I can talk to. But knowing it's essential when I started to work in the industry, so I tried to face the fear. Actually, one of the reasons why I took business is also I want to be better version of myself. Not afraid to talk with people, in this field you have to interact with many people. And I could say one of my aims fulfilled during this internship. I'm glad that I didn't choose to take the internship together with my friend, it's the best decision." Tee said smiling.

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