Movie night

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"Oh my God this movie is so campy!" Sharon laughed as the spy on screen escaped via ballet.
Bucky chuckled as Sharon cuddled into his side, "My movie is better."
Sharon yawned her head resting on his chest. Bucky stroked her hair and covered them with a blanket.
Soon Sharon was softly snoring and Bucky was dozing next to her.
Bucky hadn't had a nightmare like this in awhile.
He was walking down the halls toward the mind wiper. He was on a search and rescue for Sharon. He had to find her.
Suddenly, Priece was there next to him, "She wouldn't give you up Soldier. You ought to be very impressed."
He pointed Bucky toward the mind wiper. Sharon was strapped in screaming. They had beaten her; her clothes were torn. She screamed his name, but he couldn't move.
He was stopped from going forward by the Winter Soldier.
Sharon woke up as Bucky was thrashing in his dream. She sat up a little and shook him calling his name, "Bucky? It's a nightmare. Bucky?"
Bucky's hand wrapped around Sharon's throat.
Sharon fought to remain calm, "James I need you to wake up."
Slowly Bucky came to and saw his metal hand around Sharon's throat. Her eyes were panicked, but her voice calm, "James... It's just a nightmare. It's me Sharon."
Bucky released her, "Oh God..."
Sharon sat him up and pulled the blanket around him, "You're ok. It was just a bad dream. You're safe."
She cuddled him and against his better judgement Bucky let her, "I could have hurt you Sharon."
Sharon looked into his eyes, "You didn't hurt me. And before your brain spirals. I am ok. I am not running."
Bucky pulled her into his lap, "Baby bear I am so sorry..."
Sharon kissed him softly, "Come on Sargent let's go lay on the bed-"
Bucky pulled her closer, "Just stay here with me ok? I... I don't want to let go of you for a bit."
She smiled and settled down next to him, "Ok."

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