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Hello Again! Hope you enjoyed both parts of this Fanfic; also sorry I haven't been able to upload this quickly; I haven't gotten the time to finish. I'm still so sorry for the slow updates. I'm trying to perfect everything.

Trigger warning: there will be mention of gore, this also is pretty much angst.

Thank you for your time :)


You groan, throwing your head back against the couch. "Dani," you huff, she looks back at you rolling her eyes.

"I won't be quick if you keep whining," you grumble and cross your arms.

"You have been trying to find this book for a while already, maybe you took it to your room?"

"If I took it to my room I would have been reading to you by now, Doofus." you roll your eyes, bouncing your leg in irritation, and close your eyes.

"AH HA!" you jump, quickly calming down once the ginger sits next to you. You look at the cover of the book.

"Village of Shadows, again?"

"Said by the one who always ends up sleeping on me when I read it to them."


"..touche.." she rolls her eyes and giggles when you scoot closer to her, leaning your head on her shoulder. Daniela clears her throat before speaking.

"Long ago, a young girl went with her mother to pick berries for her father who was hard at work. But the forest greeted them with a dark, cold silence, the bushes empty. Yet, determined to find the berries, the rascal broke free from Mother's grasp and vanished into the trees. Mother's worried cries faded fast as the girl ran on; over the vine, and under the branch, and into the forest deep." you focused on her voice, sighing contentedly and wrapping your arms around her own. Daniela's voice was soft and gentle as she spoke.

"Feeling strange eyes upon her, the girl recalled Mother's scary bedtime tales and her throat became bone dry. Then the Bat Lord appeared! He greeted her warmly and bit his wing. "Come, child. Quench your thirst," he said. So she drank the thick, dark blood and smiled with joy. Passing through a graveyard, menacing storm clouds loomed and the air turned bitingly cold." you close your eyes once more, hyper-focusing on her voice.

"The girl was shivering in her thin clothes. Then a Dark Weaver appeared and with a click of his fingers, crafted mist into a beautiful dress. "Come, child, warm yourself," he coaxed. So she clothed herself and smiled with joy. Across waters deep and ominous she went, hoping a boat she found would carry her home. But hunger's grip tightened and her heart grew heavy. Then the Fish King appeared and offered one of his many fins. "Come, child. Eat your fill." So the girl ate and smiled with joy once more." your body relaxed further into the words she said.

"Continuing, she soon entered the forest's dark heart. Then an Iron Steed appeared, bearing a beautiful, golden gear.
The creature said nothing as the girl approached...and snatched what she thought was another gift. The horse grew angry and summoned the other monsters. Terror filled the girl's heart as a wild wind rose about the beasts." you grew tired, your breath slowly becoming even.

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