A Smoke

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Howdy!!! I really need to stop starting new one shot chapters.... Anyway Sirius and Remus are both 16 and yes they are dating. Also this'll be a angsty fluff chapter :) Cause for some reason I just write fluff angst
Warning: Smoking!

Sirius sighed. He was sitting on the edge of the Astronomy tower. He just wanted to get away from people for a bit and clear his head.

Sirius pulled out a cigarette. He lit the cigarette and put it up to his mouth and inhaled, then out-haled. The scent of tobacco was all around him. 

He liked the silence. It gave him a chance to think.
It gave him a chance to not always smile, to not always make jokes to just be himself.

He laid down his back to the stone cold floor and his legs hanging off the edge. He sat there for a while just smoking.

Eventually one cigarette became two then three.

Sirius Black was up there for a long time just thinking. Then again there was a running joke "When did Sirius Black ever think?"

This thought made Sirius huff and sit up abruptly. He looked at the sky well the now rising sky.

'Damn I must have been up here for a while.'

As though someone had read his thoughts, he heard a voice say, "Geez you must of been up here for a while."

He recognized that voice because it was a voice he loved to here. It was his favorite voice to hear. A smile spread about his face almost immediately.

He heard footsteps and he turned his upwards to see his boyfriend, Remus. He looked beautiful, his hair a mess, his eyes being a beautiful amber looking almost gold, and his lips had a smile plastered(?) on them. He was wearing a emerald green jumper, it was rather big on him surprisingly and because of that the sleeves hung over his hands.

"Staring are we now," Remus smirked.

He sat down next to Sirius and stole a cigarette from him.

"Hey, Sirius hollered trying to swat away Remus's hand. "Don't take a cigarette from me!"

"Why not? I mean I thought we shared everything seeing as you share my bed, my clothes," Remus getting closer until his face was inches from Sirius and finishing off his sentence by saying, "Oh and my heart."

Then he pressed his mouth to Sirius's. The kiss slow yet passionate. Remus's hand reached into Sirius's hair, running through it. He loved getting to run his hand through Sirius's hair. Not to long after they pulled it apart, smiling at the other.

"Gods I love you Moony."

Remus smiled. "I love you more Padfoot."

This started a argument of sorts who loved the other more. Each kept doubling the amount of how much they loved each other. Until they it ended in both of them laughing and said "Truce?!" "Truce!!"

Remus lit the cigarette he had stolen from Sirius and breathed it in. Sirius looked at Remus and snuggled closer.

Remus looked down, and placed a kiss on his head. Sirius leaned on Remus and smiled, a sleepy one at that. Remus smiled back at his Padfoot.

They just sat their for awhile. Remus hummed a song his mother used to sing him.

Remus was hugging Sirius's waist, his legs on Remus's laps. His head resting on Sirius's head. He smiled, Sirius had fallen asleep. He just looked at the sun and held Sirius as close as he could, loving him the best way he knew how.

This isn't how I planned this chapter but eh. Nor did I really know how to finish it... Yeah heheh- Also sorry it takes me so long to update ;-; I'll try to update more.

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