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3rd Person

Y/n had woken up from their bed in Peter's treehouse. They had been dreaming of their life before Neverland, y/n could remember it very clearly. It was odd they could remember, usually after one day in Neverland, the lost boys or any other visitor would soon forget anything that I had once hurt them, but they did.

2nd Person

"Y/n get back here!" they can hear their father shout, "One day you will have to grow out of those silly dreams of yours, and I don't care if I have to be the one to crush them!"

You continue to run through the forest, ignoring your fathers angry calls and your mothers pleas for your father to stop. After all, you were 17 turning 18, you weren't someone who would listen to adults.

You started to slow down as you traveled deeper into the forest, becoming more confident that your parents wouldn't find you with every step you took. As you were walking, you could swear you saw a boy, the same age as you, up in the tall redwood trees around you. You had just assumed this was your imagination, but as you turned away from the tall trees looking for the boy, you were met with big blue eyes staring into yours. As you fell back with surprise, the boy raised higher into the sky.

"I usually wait a little while before I bring people back, but it seems like you can't stand another second of being here," you were still surprised from a moment earlier, but you listened attentive to every word he had to say "Let me take you back to Neverland, where you'll never be troubled by growing up and never have to return."

"That sounds wonderful!" You were entranced by his offer, barely noticing your hand move to hold his outstretched palm.

"Full of wonder indeed, all you have to do is to think happy thoughts and we can leave."

You close your eyes, filling your head with thoughts of the nights you spent in the same forest you are in now, the day where it rained and you got to stay in and read all the books on your mother's bookshelf, and today, the day you got to escape adulthood.

As you slowly opened your eyes, you didn't see the bottoms of trees around you. You looked around and only saw the tree tops, and looked down to see your feet no longer touching the soft forest floor, being replaced with a weightless feeling that sent tingles throughout your whole body.

3rd Person

And the Rest was History, Y/n has stayed in Neverland ever since, helping Peter foil all of Captain Hook's plans, taking care of the lost boys, and causing trouble throughout all of Neverland. Y/n was even there when Peter cut off Hook's right hand, but Y/n had always felt like there was a brick wall between them and Peter. After all, Peter doesn't have feelings, but Y/n certainly did. Over the time Y/n has been in Neverland, they have concluded that they indeed have a romantic attraction to Peter, but they chose to accept the fact that the feelings may never be returned.

They looked out the window behind their bed next to Peter's hammock, looking at the Pirate Ship in the distance slowly becoming upright as the ice around it melts. Peter will be returning soon, but little did Y/n know what troubles will return with him.


Hi Guys! I'm the Bug in your TV! I've watched all the movies you have on the other side of your Tv, and saw how much you like Peter Pan. I thought I might as well write a little story just for you, to bring back the childhood you once lost, and return you to Neverland.

I Hope you enjoy the story, and updates will be out soon

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2022 ⏰

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