Chapter 7

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First thing the next day, I went to inspect the cave. The main purpose of this was to avoid/keep my mind off Alex and Jessie, but it was also an excuse for my absence if I didn't return till that night.

I reached the cave just as the sun was rising. Tiny ribbons of light danced on the walls of rock and as I watched, they grew little by little until the whole space was filled with light. It was striking to behold and for a moment, I just stared. The majority of my time on the island was spent trying to survive and keep everyone sane, so much so that I rarely noticed that our island was a truly beautiful place.

Armed with my spear and a makeshift torch, I ventured past the writing on the wall and further into the depths of the cave. The friendly light of the morning vanished behind me and I lit my torch. Holding it up, I saw a cockroach the size of my hand scuttle farther back onto a ledge near the ceiling. Repulsed, I told myself to get over it and kept going.

An hour of searching produced no sign of the raft plans. Thoroughly tired and discouraged, I followed my footprints back out towards the front of the cave. As I emerged into the light, I saw a figure appear out of the corner of my eye. It was Alex. I flinched and turned to try and hide, but it was too late.

"I thought I might find you here," he said.

"I was just...checking up on some things." Smooth, Meg.

He raised his eyebrows. "Need any help?"

"I was just finishing up actually, but thanks." I ducked around him and began to leave.

"Meg I know it was you."

I turned. "What was me?" God, I would be the worst criminal. I'm practically transparent.

"Last night, at the cove," Alex continued. "I know you heard us."

Confirming or denying this wouldn't help me so I was silent.

"Meg, what you heard last night wasn't what you think it was."

I dropped all pretense of ignorance. "It sounded pretty straightforward to me."

"We were just talking." Alex's blue eyes were wide with sincerity. He reminded me of a child caught in the act of stealing something. "This whole thing is really strange for all of us, isn't it? Toby just showing up with this random girl and we're supposed to believe everything she's telling us?"

I crossed my arms. "Are you saying we shouldn't trust them? You're the one who told me to let them stay."

"I know, I know," Alex admitted. "But I didn't think they'd come back to try and convince us to go on a suicide mission. This plan is crazy, Meg, you have to know that!"

Now I was becoming angry. "Why didn't you say any of this to me before? Like before you went off to have a private chat with Jessie about how I don't know what I'm doing?"

He sighed. "I'm sorry I said that, I didn't mean it."

I scoffed outright. "What did you mean?" 

"I don't know! I was just...talking." He was agitated now and I knew he was lying.

I started to ask him about the others, about what he had meant by "people dying" and "having to deal with it" but for the first time since we had met, I was afraid of what Alex might do. What if he saw my questions as too nosy? Or somehow threatening to his plan (whatever that might be)? I hesitated in spite of myself. Maybe I was overreacting. Alex had always been there for me right?

His blue eyes locked onto mine and he moved closer, reaching to brush a flyaway hair off of my face.

I leaned away from him. "What are you doing?"

"Do you trust me Meg?" he murmured.

A chill ran up my spine. That was the tone he had used with Jessie last night. "I can't," I said curtly.

He stepped back. "I'm sorry, but if you'd please just listen-"

"No YOU listen," I snapped. "If you don't like the plan, that's fine, give us a better one. But as long as I have anything to say about it, I'm not going to just "deal with" anyone else dying."

His expression darkened. "Let's hope you don't have to."

I bristled. "Are you threatening me?"

"No, Meg," he said grimly. "That's just the truth." He left me where I was, wondering if he was right.

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