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It was a usual weekday morning at the firm, the bullpen was buzzing but the indistinguishable noises coming from all the direction as Rachel passed through it but suddenly one clear voice brought her feet to a halt. Yes it was Harvey. He was shouting on Mike in the corridor.

" What do you think you were doing in there? How could you be so careless?"

" Harvey please listen to me" Mike requested. "It was.."

" Mike how many times I have told you I don't care for your excuses, I need you to be impeccable in your work. When you make mistake I come out badly. And I absolutely hate that. "


" Do you know what could have happened today? We could have lost the client. Jessica won't be too happy about this. Till when would I need to defend you in front of her. You are always creating some or the other trouble you let the accused leave, you almost botch the launch,or something else. Just get your sh*t together, I told you I need a grown god damn man. " Harvey finished and stormed into his office.

Leaving Mike stading looking guilty, sad and slightly enraged.

Rachel too stood there looking at the boyish face. It was times like this when Rachel always felt sad and wished she could help him in making all this right for him. But it was out of her hand suddenly she heard some whispering and turned around to see kyle and his idiot friends peaking and giggling at the scene like a bunch of teenagers. Mike too never bothered to make friends, not after the first time he tried but it fell flat, and things kept getting worse with Mike's each victory and especially after the mock trial after which Kyle was so sure that he would replace Mike but that didn't happen and now he almost daily would deal with some or the other taunt, insult or prank by some of the associates.

Mike while always been awesome self pissed off a lot of other associates. When Harvey was promoted and a position for his associate opened up all the associates wanted it. Harvey being the best closer has a starling reputation and being his associate would mean glory. But Harvey never even bat an eye on any of them and Harvey being Harvey he had also called may of them colorful names like clowns or incompetent fools on their face when the associates tried to approach him. So when Mike stepped his feet in the firm he was bound to be the most hated one, he was the golden boy. Mike's... Well lack of well built personalities and cheap suits didn't help.

She nodded and moved to the copy room to finish her own work as she knew going to him now with all of them watching would mean even more taunts for Mike.

She returned from the copy room in about 20 minutes line had been long, when she heard the nasal voice of Louise shouting on mike as he stood there trying to explain something.

But the session was seemingly at its end all she could make out was Mike had lost something and Louis had given hime impossibly small deadline for doing it again along with a huge pile of work he had just dumped on him.

She immediately scanned and saw same group of idiots sniggering behind their palms.

She felt something was wrong but immediately shuffled from their as she saw Louis coming towards her.

She got busy with work after going to her office, it was lunch when she thought of Mike again. She thought to take him for a short lunch to cheer him up. She went to his desk but found him missing. She turned to see Donna leaving and assumed he might be with Harvey. So she started leaving but on her way she heard Kyle talking to his friends.

All of them were laughing " It was so funny did you see his face?" Kyle said ridiculously imitating Mike's sad face as all laughed.

" I have to admit Kyle this was the best one yet" Greg added. " He got double smash from Harvey and Louis."

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