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I sit on the roof, contemplating going back home. I probably should, my suit is becoming unbearable. The jeans are sticking to my legs due to sweat, I pull off my newly added mask, no one is close enough to see my face anyway. I rest my arm on my knee before letting out a heavy sigh. "You shouldn't take that off, there are cameras every where" I flinch, "gah! Dami, why do you feel the need to do that?" I ask placing the mask back over my eyes. He shrugs and sits next to me, letting his legs dangle off the roof.

Damian has always been...different in my opinion. Always yelling and flipping other people off. Acting like a selfish little brat, but around me he's a completely different person, kinder, softer. He looks at me for a second, or I think he is, his mask makes it hard to tell. He then turns back to face the buildings. I watch every move he makes, fidgeting with his glove, rubbing the side of his face, adjusting his sword, all of it.

"We should go to the cave, I am sure father has a mission for us" he mutters pushing himself up, I stand too and we make our way to the bat cave. I would say I'd go home and help mom or dad with house work but they're both on a business trip so there's no point. We make it into the cave and Alfred greets us, "Master Damian. Master Jonathan" I smile at him, "Pennyworth" Damian says, walking past him, I hate how he treats Alfred just as a useless butler.

"How's your day Alfred?" I ask, he smiles, "it has been good, but I must be going" he says, I pull off my mask, I take the stairs into the Wayne manor, I can fly anyway. But it's not because I want to, it's that Damian took the only elevator, you would think there would be more than one elevator but nope, just one. I make it upstairs and into the spare room where I've been staying, I slide off my converse (not good shoes to be a hero in by the way) and I unzip the jacket part of my uniform and throw it on the floor, I fall flat onto the bed. The door opens and it's the one and only Damian Wayne.

I sit up and his face flushes, "what do you want?" I ask, trying not to sound annoyed, he clears his throat, "father wants you to look your best" he holds out a black suit, I stand and take it from him, "we have a dinner to attend" he mutters closing the door. "Weird" I say to myself, I walk into the bathroom and struggle out of my jeans, I turn the shower on and step in, I scrub my body then wash my hair, after about fifteen minutes I turn off the shower and step out, with a towel around my waist.

I fry myself off and slide into boxers, then the slacks. I tuck in the white button down and grab the blue tie from off the hanger, I fix my hair and spray some fancy cologne Bruce gave me a while back. I sit down on the bed and put on white socks and dress shoes. I pull on the blazer and button the middle button. I turn off the lights and walk out.

As I walk down the hall Damian stops me, he looks me up and down, I did the same to him. He was practically wearing the same thing, the only difference is his tie is green, the same green as his eyes. He places both of his hands on the collar of the blazer and fixes it. I stare down at him, and know I'm the one getting flustered, he looks up after he finishes, we just..stare at each other.

"We're going on an undercover mission, I suggest getting your suit just in case" he says, backing up, "also father says you are supposed be my plus one, considering no one knows about you" he pauses as he walks, he looks back at me, with a smirk, "you might need a fake name!" He shouts, I shake my head and go back into my room, I grab my extra suit and I stuff it into a bag, and I walk back into the hall.

We leave and I think about what Damian said, what did he mean "date?" I look at him, he's sitting right next to me in Bruce's car, "have you chosen your new name?" He asks, "I was thinking Scott Ham" I say proudly. He laughs, "Scott Ham?" I shrug, "I kinda like it" I say. Bruce fixes the rear-view mirror and smiles.

We make it to a fancy restaurant, Bruce gets out first and opens Damian's door, we both slide out from his side. As soon as I'm out of the car Damian wraps his arm around mine. He's looking straight forward but his cheeks are a bright shade of pink. I can't help but smile at how flustered he gets over the smallest things.

We walk into the restaurant and the inside is even bigger than the outside. We're met with a man who is definitely close with Bruce, he hugs him and shakes Damian's hand, he looks at me "and you are?" He asks, "this is Jon my..." Damian pauses, "date" he finishes, I look at the man and he shakes my hand, "nice to meet you Jon" he mutters walking Bruce a few feet from us, he holds onto Bruce's shoulder, "I didn't know your son was gay" he mumbles walking away. Like we couldn't hear him.

I'm furious, Damian quietly lets go of my arm and looks down, "Damian—" he looks up at me, putting on a fake smile, his eyes dull. "I need to use the restroom" he says, walking away. I follow him because I know he's not using the restroom.

I find him outside on a bench, sitting with his legs crossed, a glass in his hand. I sit next to him, "why did you react like that?" I ask, he sets the glass next to him, he pulls his legs to his chest and leans his head on his knees, "because he was right..." there's a long, awkward pause, "oh. Oh!" I look at him "you are?" He nods, "I am too, well I'm bi" I mumble, he looks at me, a real smile on his face. After a few minutes our coms went off, "get ready boys, it's show time."

We both look at each other with huge smiles on our faces, we run to the car and throw our suits on and we run into the restaurant. "So bats, whose our target?" I ask "remember the man you met?" He asks, "yeah I remember" I mumble, "it's him and his gang" he says grunting, "got it" I track down the man, he's propped up on the ground, holding his jaw. I throw a punch at him causing his lip to bleed. "You. Bastard." I mutter, punching again, and again, and again, I use my laser vision and burn his arm, he lets out an ear piercing scream of pain.

"Superboy!" Damian yells pushing me off of him. "Justice not vengeance. You know that." Says, I look at him, he has a small cut on his cheeks and his gloves are dirty, "yeah—yeah I know" I mumble, backing off. Anyway the guy was knocked out by some pill Bruce had, he didn't explain it. I was a quick "fight" I guess. It ended just as fast as it started. And we left. Boring I know.

All I can think about is the way Damian looked when he came out to me, it was sort of a look of wanting to be accepted. I can't sleep so I'm doing the most idiotic thing (because apparently all of my ideas are idiotic) so I'm going to Damian's room. It's way past midnight, but I know he's awake. I walk out into the hall and down to his room. I open the door and I'm right, he's wide awake reading a book. "Jon, you're awake" he says more of a statement than a question.

"Can we" I ask, he puts down his book and crosses his legs, "of course" I sit across from him. "I hate people." I mutter, "I agree" he says, "I mean they see two guys hugging or yknow kissing and they freak out" he nods, "and for what?!" I shout, he looks at me and the look is back.

He sort of moves closer to me and does the least expected thing. He places his small hands on my cheeks and leans in, gently pressing his lips to mine then he pulls back, "I like you a lot Jon" he says, his cheeks now red, "I like you too Dami" I mumble before kissing him again. If I'm being completely honest this is my first ever kiss...(if you don't count the forced ones.)

After like I don't know, two minutes? We're laying side by side under the covers. He's cuddled up between my arm and my chest, and I never realized this about Damian, but he is tiny. Like physically speaking there's no way he's over the five foot two mark, maybe it's because I'm drastically taller than him, almost an entire foot taller.

He looks up at me, his once dull eyes a vibrant green, "Jon" he mumbles, half awake, "yeah?" He looks back down and leans his head in my chest, "stay here" he says closing his eyes. I wrap my other arm around him, finding the small space between his shorts and t-shirt, "okay."

I wake up early, maybe it's the change of rooms or something else. I look down to see Damian, he's knocked out, one of his arms is under my back and the other is lazily thrown over my chest. I grab his hand and kiss his bruised knuckles; it sounds cheesy I know, and that not even it. Not even seconds later his eyes flutter open, they flutter! His green eyes meet mine and he smiles a little.

He pulls his arm out from under my as he sits up, he moves to the edge of the bed, "my arm is asleep thanks to you" he jokes, shaking his arms, I sit up and wrap my arms around his waist, pulling him closer to me, I kiss his neck which is warm. "You getting up?" I ask, he turns his head and kisses my cheek, "I have an actual lunch to attend with my father for Wayne Enterprises" he says smiling, "no joke?" I ask, he shakes his head. "Go get dressed Dami" I say kissing him one more time, "okay" he laughs and walks into his bathroom.

And honestly these were the best twenty four hours of my life, and the best had only just began.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2022 ⏰

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