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Most people have fathers that will love them, a man who they can look up to, who teaches them how to ride a bike or how to swim so they wouldn't drown.

I was one of them people. I had a loving father. Key word had.

You see it had been late one evening when me and my mother had gotten back from a relaxing day at our local spa. Lets just say thats when things turned to the worst.

•rewind to that night•

I could hardly keep up with my mum as she flew up the stairs. We had only been back less than two minutes and we both knew something was wrong. It was deathly quiet except for the moaning coming from my parents room.
My mum barged in, me following shortly behind only to be disgusted by the sight in front of me.

My father, my hero, lay in bed with another woman next to him. Horrified. The only word I could think of to describe how I was feeling. I felt the anger radiating off my mum as she stood next to me.

After a few minutes of us staring at the scene in front of us I turned my back, my eyes filling with fresh tears. How could he.

I managed to slide down the stairs. As I got to the bottom it seemed as though a bomb exploded upstairs. My mum being the bomb. I heard footsteps and more yelling coming from the top of the stairs. I blocked out the words as i sank to the floor, my back to the wall.
My body shaking violently and my vision was blurred from tears in my eyes, however i could still manage make out two figures walking past me.
The door slammed and i was on the floor crying, gasping for air like a fish that was out of water.

Silence followed after with only my sobs breaking through it.

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