(1) - I do or i don't

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One month...
That was all it took for him to move on. Its like he doesn't even remember my mom.
He had proposed to the woman call veronica he had cheated on my mum with. Lets just say that it didn't go down well with me. I still craved to see my mother. It hurts, not being able to see my mum. Me and her...we were close, like best friends. I still love her though. Even if she did leave me with my father.

•wedding day•

I feel like one of them plastic doll heads for people to experiment on. They tugged at my hair and applied what seemed like a million layers of makeup. It felt so wrong.

"There we go sweetheart, you look amazing" the make up artist complemented. I didn't reply. I wouldn't speak at any cost today.
"Come on darling turn your frown upside down" he tried again. I couldn't do this. I feel so fake. I wish my mom had taken me with her, at least i'd be somewhat happy instead of being as depressed as I am now.

The make up artist frowned as i stayed silent. "Well then lets go, don't want to be late now do you girly" he sneered grabbed my wrist making me get up from my current seat. I had managed to anger him by ignoring him.

We walked at a quickened pace till we reached the dressing room where Veronica was currently getting changed into her overly expensive, peach colored wedding dress. And just incase you are wondering yes i did say "peach colored wedding dress" Veronicas idea. She decided that they should be bold and creative so her and my father agreed on a peach themed wedding.

When she saw me she gasped. "Oh baby doll you look amazing". Silence filled the air as i just stared into her eyes.
She broke eye contact first.Ha. "Well I'm ready, we should get going to the church now" She spoke, joyfulness present in her voice.

I nearly cried. No. I couldn't, I would stay strong, for mum. I knew that this shouldn't be happening though. This is all a nightmare....yes very soon i will wake up. Its all a horrible nightmare and it will be over in time. However reality hit me when i soon heard the church bells. This wasn't a dream, My mom was gone, My father and Veronica  were to be married, and i was still stuck in this hell.

We got out the bridal car and made our way inside. As we walked inside we saw everyone my dad was standing there at the front waiting for his new bride in his new peach coloured suit looking so happy it made me feel sick. Veronica made her way up the isle as the music begun breaking the silence. I was following not far behind as a brides maid in a huge frilly peach dress.

As they did all the marriage stuff the preacher asked if anyone was to object their marriage. I felt something in my stomach, almost like sick butterfly's. Then again i did feel a bit sick this morning. I needed to get out of here quickly because I felt my breakfast coming up...yuckky

Before i could barf everywhere i ran. My feet hitting the ground with soft thuds as i made my way out. I felt people stare, some sympathetic, some confused. I just needed to get back home, take a shower and go to bed.
Maybe if i got to bed i would wake up and it will be over.

Just as i reach the outside I'm sick all over the freshly cut grass. You know when your sick and you just start to cry? Yup well that was me. As i continued to throw up chunks i hadn't noticed someone come out after me. I suddenly felt someone holding up my brown hair so it wouldn't get in my way. How kind. At this point in time i couldn't even be bothered to look up and thank them. I just stood bent over, crying.
"You ok?" A rough voice of the kind stranger asked. I couldn't make myself speak so i just nodded my head slowly. Silence was all that followed until he spoke up again. "At least you didn't get it on your dress, although it wouldn't of mattered. Its hideous anyway." I couldn't help but laugh a bit at his funny remark. He was right it was hideous. It was like Veronicas. Peach colored and frilly, not how i liked it.
"Here have my jacket" said the guy as he passed it me. "Thanks" was all i could reply with, my voice cracking a bit.

"The name is johnty and you are..?" "Clementine but you can call me clem"


K sooo i know its bad but yea

Im just doing it for fun so no hate

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2016 ⏰

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