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"Maybe you should learn some manners"

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"Maybe you should learn some manners"


       I lay on my bed depating if I should go see marvel I was getting such mixed feelings about him he's nice cute but a killer and we couldn't like me I'm from District 12 and he is from district 1 I groaned looking at the clock 8:17 I look over at the closet and grab A black tank top and some red pajama pants and go to the bathroom and turn on the hot water.

After my shower I look at my clock on my nightstand at 9:57 I sigh drying my hair with a towel.

~Marvel's POV~
  I sit on my bed staring at my clock 9:58 I tap my fingers on my leg Marley barges into my room "What the fuck Marley!" "What?" I sigh "nothing what do you want?" I ask rubbing my forehead "Do you like her?" "Like who?" I ask trying to act clueless "Willow" she sits on my bed "What?! no she's from district 12" "Ok and? You've never cared about that" I sigh "Get out" I say "oh you do like her" she says standing up I throw a pillow at her "Get out!" "ok ok," she says closing the door "Marvel likes willow" she pokes her head in the door before closing it I throw a pillow again at her.

"10:30" I whisper "damnit," I say putting a pillow on my face I groan rolling over away from the clock, damn what if she doesn't even show up I think to myself "ugh" I yell slamming my head into a pillow.

~Willow's POV~

I carefully watch the clock tapping my foot on the cold wood floor I hear a knock on my door "Come in" I see Mark I sigh "I'm sorry," I nod " I'm sure he's nice" he adds "Goodnight mark" I say closing the door in his face "Effie and Haymitch are asleep by the way" I sigh locking the door sliding dow it still watching the clock

11:38 I think to myself I stand up And rub my eyes.11:47 I watch the clock every little movement I run my fingers through my hair "ok at 11:55 ill start my way up there if I chicken out I chicken out it'll be fine" I say out loud "Why am I nervous?" I say out loud again "Oh my god he might kill you in like 2 days, I say I look over at the clock 11:54  I Gasp "Close enough", I May running to the door I put  my ear up to mark's the door I hear is faint snoring I Smile to myself and get in the elevator and I It 'roof' i tap my foot biting my nails

  I Look up at the clock in the elevator 11:59 the elevator dings when I Beach the roof I stepped onto the assault I See a tall slim man leaning onto the railing I walk up to the railing he jumps "Oh my god" I Chuckle "I Didn't think you would show up" "Me too" I May picking at my nails "Um why did you want me to meet you here?" I ask him looking in his green eyes "Um I don't know " I Look down I Feel his cold fingers under my chin lifting up my face he gets close to my face my heart starts to race

  "Am I interrupting something" my head snaps to my left I See 'Cato'  "Um no" marvel says backing away from me "I'm gonna go" Marvel grabs my arm "Sorry talk to you later?" cato glares at marvel I walk right pass him he watches me leave?

  When I Get back to my room I fall on my bed "He almost kissed me" I Say out loud "Ugh" I roll over and close my eyes and drift to sleep.

  ~Next Day~

  My alarm goes off I roll over and turn it off after I get dressed I go into the dining room for breakfast after breakfast

Me and mark head town to the training room

  we walk in I See marvel he smiles at me I Smile I See Ella I Talk over to her "Hi" she says smiling I Smile at her

  "Where the fuck is my knife chase?" we hear Cato yell and push a dark-haired "I don't have your damn knife", he says pushing cato back cato punches him people gasp I Look down at him Ella as peacekeepers tear them apart.

Ella giggles "What?" I ask she points up I Lookup I See the girl from district 3 ann with the knife on the ceiling I laugh Snap my fingers at her she looks at me I South "give me the knife" she drops its blade first I Side it behind my back before any of the careers see it. The chase boy looks at me Gabe from district four and Mark have their arms crossed watching me thresh eyes me Ella her mouth with her hand.

  Cato was standing next to a wood pillar Throw the knife it almost takes off his ear hid Marvel jumps he turns around me and he manmade contact he glares at me "You had my knife?" he says walking to me "No it was on the floor you must have dropped I lied he turns and walks off "Your Welcome" I May rolling my eyes "I didn't thank you" he says "Maybe you should learn some manners May cockliy.

Marvel snorts cato looks at him he looks down "Whatever" cato says walking off High people start to walk off and talk again

Marvel smirks at me I Smile turnaround "Ann Margo District 3" the red-head introduces herself putting her hand out intake it "Willow Hart district 12" "You're not afraid careers "Nope because in just as strong"Ii May she smiles like that, We all can work to together she looks at Ella and me" Sure if that ok?" I say looking down at Ella she smiles and nods.

  "And Chase?" she asks God "If you can get him to join" she smiles then walks over to him they walk back a couple of minutes later "Ok so chase this is Willow And Ella district 12 and 4" he sakes both of our hands

"So a spear or arrow?" she asks me and Ella "Arrow", I say very quickly Plants", Ella says we all laugh she smiles.

"So Willow,  You seem friendly with Mitchell", n says looking over at mark "Yeah he's a friend from home chases snorts "What?"I ask him "Cato just recruited for the careers" "Look", Ella says I turn around and see mark shaking hands with Cato cato smirks at me I look at  Mark the lookookkttt at s me I roll my eyes I Turn back around "Whatever",  I May Ann look at me We hear the whistle yall later" I May walking off trying to catch up with Mark.

"I get into the elevator with the mark I Cross my arm "Hi",   he says your career now?" he swallows  "It's not that big a deal", he says raising an eyebrow "You were pissed when marvel talked to me and now yall are like besties," I say "Willow Were gonna die I don't want you to die I'm gonna do anything to make sure you live for Harper" the elevator dings he pushes passed me I High holding back tears.

~Authors Note~

Hey, lovs thank you for reading this chapter please tell me if I made any mistakes or what I can do better but who do you like better?

Marvel or Cato
         Love, Adds<3



𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓 •𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑇𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒» {𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐨/𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐥} ꧁𝙾𝚌꧂Where stories live. Discover now