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Jealously is the boulder that can break any type of relationship, be it love or friendship. And it can lead to the worst outcomes when it comes between enemies. Jealousy can be only solved or kept aside by accepting it or talking about it, but most of the people feeling this emotion tend to not accept it, making the situation even worse.

 This was what was happening with Kathir. He made excuses to be in the dance rehearsals everyday and seeing Arjun and Anjali having fun made his insides burn in jealousy. He didn't like them to hang out together and whenever he asked himself why he was feeling that way, his mind always told him that he was jealous. But he never accepted it to even himself and let it grow. Kathir also saw how well Abhi was getting along with Ananya and that made him long for something like that and seeing that Arjun and Anjali have something like that made him fume even more.

 Since Kathir had the playboy image to keep up, he would always be around girls, but exactly when the dance rehearsals were going on, he would somehow escape from the girls and end up in the dance rehearsals room for the entire duration of the rehearsals. Anjali found this weird in the beginning but soon she began to enjoy it as this was giving her the chance to irritate him. Since Arjun had the same motive, both of then began working together without telling each other about their motives, but in the due course they become good friends. Their friendship grew to such a level where Anjali got to know about Arjun's crush on this girl named Malavika, who happened to be Aanya's friend and so she became good friends with Anjali. As Malavika knew Arjun's reputation she refused to spend time with him, but due to Anjali's continuous pestering she began to spend time with him and slowly got a different picture about Arjun. Since this time, the theme of the dance for the culturals was retro, they had planned to do the pair dances of different eras and so during the pairing, Anjali tactfully got Malavika paired with Arjun, much to his happiness. This made Arjun like Anjali more and so the three of them began spending time together, even after their rehearsals, which added more oil to Kathir's burning flame of jealousy. 

The singing and dance rehearsals clashed with one another, and so the only time Anjali and Ananya got to spend together was at night, which they spent talking about their respective days and the only thing Ananya spoke about her day was about abhi. On her side, her relationship with abhi was going better than she imagined. He was her friend when she wanted him to be and he behaved as her boyfriend only when he felt it was needed. He always listened to her patiently and intently when she spoke and he listened to her in an awestruck manner whenever she sang. He also like Kathir, was always in the singing rehearsals for the entire duration. Most importantly he always gave her the needed space and did not suffocate her in pretext of protecting her. She made new friends in the auditions and began to spend time with them also. During the time spent with others, she always happened to have abhi in her thoughts. She was a pretty matured and intelligent girl, so she never let herself slip and think that what they had was true. She also did not want to end in a situation she would regret as she had an idea of Abhi's image in college and so she kept her boundaries alert at all times. Even though abhi had everything she wanted in her dream man, she knew that all this was a act and would end anytime and so she never let herself think of him as more than a friend.

 Abhi began to realize that his act was beginning to turn into reality. He also began to be consumed by her thoughts at all times. He felt that even Anu was struggling with the same sort of feeling but she was keeping it from falling of the cliff. Abhi realized that Anu had a strong wall around her to protect herself and that he had to break it with her trust on him to make the act into reality.

 Now a days, all that Abhi spoke to Kathir was about Anu without even missing a single detail for that particular day and even thought Kathir would get irritated, he would listen to Abhi attentively because, deep down Kathir was really happy for Abhi. As he and Abhi were always around girls to keep up their image, Kathir knew how girls would literally throw themselves on both of them. Even thought both of them enjoyed the attention, they were also fed up with that kind of acts and attitude. But from day one, both Anjali and Ananya were very different and had their own dignity and self-respect which made heads turn their way and two such heads were the dream boys themselves and now to know that Abhi was with good company, gave him peace.

 Being a person who craves for the same, Kathir knows that if he approached Anjali with friendship as his intention, she would welcome him with open arms. But as he has already established his so-called irritation and hatred towards her, his ego was not ready to put all that away and compromise with her. At the same time, even though Anjali had fun irritating and infuriating Kathir, deep down the girl inside her wanted to make him feel included and also wanted him to have fun with everyone and her. Initially Anjali was scared of her seniors, but not once did she have any fear toward Kathir from the beginning. Even after the incident between them, she only had the incessant need to irritate him but not once did she feel any sort of hatred towards him.

 Having an ego as big as Kathir's, she did not want to make the first move, such as to ask him to join them when all of them had fun, but she instead wanted him to join on his own or to say she wanted him to make the first move in their friendship. But let's see how fate decides to spoil all their plans and have fun.


Hey my lovely readers, here I am with the next chapter. I am sorry for the delay, as I had some personal problems and a big writer's block. n
Now that I am kind of out of all that, I am going to try to give you updates with a new pace.
Since I am writing this chapter after a long time, it might not be up to the mark so please adjust with me and I promise that I will make the upcoming chapters more interesting. Thank you for your continuous support and please continue to do so.
Please do vote more and make me happy so that I can make you more happy.

Yours truly,
The author 💜

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