Chapter 4

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... Natsu looked at him and then from the food to Gray, to Levy. Both had been trying to do something that would bring him joy and that brought him an idea! "Hey Levy, would you please find out for me why you guys have developed feelings for me? Please do that for me, it would make me really happy!" "Of course! I would do anything for you!", she replied and left the room. "Wow Salamander, I'm impressed. I didn't know you were able to do that, well done", Gajeel praised him. "Thanks! Wait... What's that supposed to mean?!" "Gaaaajeeeel!", Levy called the Dragonslayer and he immediately came. "What's up?" "I need to go to the guild and get some of my stuff! But we can't go without you." Because she was quite right about that he accompanied the blue-haired one and left the two boys alone. Natsu didn't mind that much, because he spent the time eating while Gray cleaned. Except the fact that he was constantly being stared at bothered him a lot. "Gray? Why are you staring at me?" "That's obvious. It's because I love you." Gray stopped washing the dishes. They both blushed and Natsu immediately regretted even asking.

The next moment Natsu heard a plate break. He looked up from his own plate and saw that his friend was bleeding from the forehead. "What happened?!", the Dragonslayer wanted to know. "I- I hit my forehead with the plate." "Yeah, but why?!" "Damn to come back to myself!! Something's wrong!", Gray yelled at Natsu. After that it got quiet. Both remained silent and continued with what they had done before. Natsu tried not to take the love confession too seriously because it probably wasn't real anyway. And yet it triggered something inside him...

In the meantime Gajeel and Levy have arrived at Fairy Tail. "Levy!! Please tell me you figured out how to undo that!", Freed almost begged her. "No, I'm sorry. But I'll do my best!" She packed up her things and went back together with Gajeel.

They knocked so someone would open the door for them as they had full hands. "Gray? What happened to you?", Levy asked, noticing the bandage on his forehead as she walked in. "Pain! Pain takes away the overwhelming feeling of wanting to be close to Natsu. I hate to admit it, but I still feel like I want to kiss him. But I've found that I can control it through pain", Gray explained while helping the two carry. Levy was about to note down Gray's realization when she dropped her stuff and ran toward Natsu. Since he hadn't noticed that she and Gajeels were back he was all the more frightened when she suddenly forced him into a tight hug.

She even went a step further and put her lips on his. Natsu immediately pushed her away and tried to process what had just happened as she walked towards him again. "Ouch!", she shouted as Gray pulled her hair. "Gray? What was that about?" "You are asking that?? You just kissed Natsu!" "Oh my god... you're right!" Gray rushed into the kitchen and got some chilies from the fridge. "Here, eat those. Pulling your hair doesn't last long, you'll lose control of yourself again." Levy took the chili and took a bite. Nothing.

"Why isn't something happenin- AH damn it's burning!!! Ahh!!" She dashed into the kitchen and wanted to get the milk but Gray blocked her way. "Don't! When the pain subsides the feelings take over again!" She was breathing like crazy and pacing the room before the burn subsided a bit. "You're right, my mind is clearer than before. The feelings for Natsu are almost completely gone! Thanks Gray", she thanked him and went into the living room with more chillies for later in her hand. His comrade's statement surprised him very much. His feelings for the salmon-haired were still as strong as before, now he just could control his actions.

Levy worked and researched their common problem all day long.

The next morning Gajeel mixed some chillies into their breakfasts so that they would regain consciousness about their feelings. "Thanks Gajeel!" "Believe me, I enjoyed doing that..."

Like that, the days passed. Gajeel mixed chilis into their food, they ate it again and again throughout the day and Levy researched further but without any results. Still, the pain was really worth it!

One morning Gajeel was preparing breakfast again and was about to mix in two servings of chilies when he realized he only had enough for one serving. Without hesitation he gave Levy the spicy portion. He did it because he didn't want to see her throwing her arms around Natsu, but he justified it by saying that only she could solve the problem and that she had to be in her right mind to do it. The black-haired man would only find out later that this decision would have consequences... "I have to go shopping, we went out of chilis", Gajeel announced after breakfast and left straight away. Levy sat down to do her examinations and Natsu and Gray were washing the dishes.

Fairy Tail Gratsu "Everyone loves Natsu" (Finished!)Where stories live. Discover now