His Eyes

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His eyes were like a crazed ocean
Waves crashing into rocks
Boats sinking
Waves as huge as buildings
But I fell in love with his eyes
Even though I saw that crazed ocean
I felt that maybe his heart was a bit calmer
I felt that maybe if I loved him enough the ocean would settle
Maybe I'd be the moon to calm his waves
I think I fell in love with him because just maybe I thought I could fix him
But his heart was just as wild as his eyes
His heart might have even been a bit more lost in the ocean then I thought
In moments that he would look at me though
I saw for a moment the oceans relax a bit
I saw for a moment his thoughts stopped harassing him
I saw for a moment that maybe he loved me more then I knew
I saw for a moment he wanted to be calmed
His eyes for a moment showed me just how much pain he's in
I fell in love with him because his eyes were just the amount of wild
I knew I'd get hurt
Once those oceans started to calm more & more
As the days went on & on
He grew apart from me
Did he not realize I loved him in spite of his wild side
Did he not realize that his slick cold blade was about to pierce through my heart
Did he not realize he was about to break everything I came to love
I guess not
He broke me anyways

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