Fix You

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I expected this from you
A broken heart
Shattered dreams
I wanted to fix you
But it seems
I always fell short at the seem
What you didn't realize
I had to always leave you a little broken
Or you'd leave
I wasn't perfect
I never acted like it
But I was the one who was wrong
I tried to put you back together
You fell apart in my arms
I left you
But you left me
Sitting here
Apart of your shattered dreams
While I was so busy fixing you
I forgot I was falling part to
Who was going to fix me?
Fix me?!
So while I laid on the ground
Flooding drops of pain across the floor
You held her hand
while you left me
And your shattered dreams
You danced with her & your new found dreams

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2016 ⏰

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