Corner store

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Mom and dad are yelling again. It's 6pm. It's just getting dark out. Why are they always like this. I can never sleep when they are like this. It pisses me off. We aren't a rich family at all, just then my stomach interrupts me. *gur-
I should get something to eat. I grab my phone, little hand bag, my jacket, my old shoes, and my pocket knife. You know. Just in case.
I didn't feel like trying to go down stairs, pretty sure my mom is drunk. Or my dad is. Maybe both? I'm not sure but I don't wanna get involved. I look around my room to make sure I'm not forgetting anything, I don't think I am.
I put my shoes on, walk over to the window,
Un-lock it. *swek- The house got quiet... I turn around so fast I think my neck cracked, nothing is there, no sound. Nothing. Suddenly I hear foot steps I open the window, put everything in my hand bag and jump out. Praying. Mom Doesn't notice me.
We only live in a 1 story house, so the drop wasn't really that bad.. I turned my head a little realizing I forgot to close the window. Fuck. I wipe my sweaty hands off onto my jacket. I jump a little knowing I couldn't reach the top of the window from wear I was. I'm only 5'6. But the window is taller then 6'0.
I decided to give up, a split second later I hear my moms screaming. "ISAAC, GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE." The door slamming open, she is a chubby woman, 5'3 yellow teeth. Always.. always. Drug. Holding a beer bottle in her left hand. Wearing white socks. A yellow tank top. And old jeans.
Right when she opens the door I go to the side of the window so she couldn't see me. Just then my dad walk in the room. "where is the little fucker??" My dad isnt drunk. But in a bad mood. I can tell. Maybe bad day at work? Or Something like that.. "I don't know John? Where is he." My mom responded in a very sassy tone. "YOU WERE IN HERE LAST DIP SHIT."
They started fighting again. I used this opportunity to run. We had a corner store near our house, about a 8 minute walk. If I walk fast I can get there sooner. I start walking while searching my bag, So I could grab my headphon- "you have to be joking." I forgot my headphones. I always forget them. God damn it. I even double checked my room.
Who cares it's 6pm or something I have my phone anyways. It's at 78%. I ended up just playing  my music out loud at half volume while walking. It's not a busy road so I just walk without looking both ways, I don't really care either way, "there fault. not mine." Is always my mind set. That's pretty hypocritical and narcissistic. At least I'm aware of how big of a dick I am. My parents sure aren't.
I finally get to the corner store, i turned off my music put my phone in the hand bag, open the door, and walk over to the snack section. I grab chips, water, soda, gum, cookie dough, and a lollipop.
I'm not paying $2 for a lollipop. I put the lollipop in my hand bag and walk to the counter.
"How much is all this." I say while grabbing my phone and opening the phone case to grab my money. "$10.47." The girl at the counter responded.
She wasn't that bad looking. Maybe 15 or 16, ginger hair, curtain bangs, 5'1 or 5'2. Skinny. "Sir. I said $10.47.?" "What.? Oh! Oh yeah sorry ma'am..!"
I give her $11. "Keep the change." I shoved my phone back in my bag And walk out. Embarrassing. That's so, so fucking embarrassing.
     I tried not to think about the embarrassing experience I just had. I mean. Who would. I walked a little faster out of the store and thought about where I should go. I don't wanna go home. I only have $36. No wait $35 left with me. Only enough for so long.
I didn't wanna run away forever. I just needed to get out the house for sometime. Maybe 2 nights and I will go back. But then again my parents would be pretty pissed at me. I don't know.
     While I was walking a kept kicking a Little Rock. It looked like it wasn't real. If that makes sense. Like, a really bad game design sorta thing. Just pixelated and Un-realistic. I stoped kicking the rock once I got to a park that wasn't to far from the store, I grabbed my phone    72%    7:34pm.  
     It's only been about an hour sense I left, my parents probably don't even care. I haven't even got a missed call from them yet.
     I went over to a bench that was near the monkey bar's, my stomach wouldn't stop growling so I decided I would eat something quickly before I messed around in the park. I grabbed the bag of chips and ate then slowly so I could saver the taste.  
It was really quiet and peaceful. All I could hear was the wind and occasionally a couple cars passing by. Nothing really Unusual
     Then I noticed a little flashing light in the corner of my eye. I didn't think much of it. It stopped after a couple of seconds.
     Until I saw a little boy. Then I stoped eating and stopped breathing. I was scared shitless. Who the hell wouldn't be?? Some random little kid magically appearing in the corner of your eye?? I didn't look directly at him. Until I saw him moving. Faster and faster. I looked over then he wasn't there. "What the fuck.." I grabbed my chips rolled them up shoved them in my bag and ran out the park.
     I didn't wanna turn around. But I kept getting this nauseous feeling. What the hell was that. Maybe some trick on me? Someone taking a picture of me. But then again the little boy. And who the hell would take a picture of some 14 year old boy eating chips?? That's weird! Unless your some meth addicted pedo  homeless man. Then sure I guess. But still.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2022 ⏰

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