Chapter 7

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A gray Dodge pickup pulls up to the youth center, then more vehicles start to pull up, they knew that Red Eagle was coming to town and one police car, it was Red Wolf's uncle. 

"Wow all these people came to see Red Eagles, word travels fast," said Red Wolf. 

"Yeah," smiled Frank. 

Cordell and Alex walked inside as does Red Eagle and everybody else did as well. 

"Red Wolf," smiled Alex. 

"Hello," smiled Red Wolf. 

"You have grown a lot," said Cordell. 

"Yeah," said Red Wolf. 

"So are you ready to go?" asked Cordell. 

"Yes, I'm ready to get out of here," said Red Wolf. 

"Well let's go home," smiled Alex. 

So they started walking out, they all said their goodbyes and closed the doors. 

"So before we leave, is there anywhere else you want to go and say goodbye to?" asked Alex. 

"No, I'm ready," said Red Wolf. 

"Okay, let's go," said Alex. 

So they got on the road and left. Red Wolf was so excited once he saw the sign that says leaving the reservation he was excited, he felt a heavy burden lifted. They had a long road ahead of them. 

"So are you excited?" asked Red Eagle. 

"Yes, very much so, ready to start over," said Red Wolf. 

"Well that is good, when you get to our house you will have a little brother waiting," said Red Eagle. 

"How old are you now, it has been a long time," said Cordell. 

"Too long, I am 19 years old," said Red Wolf. 

"Wow almost an adult now, you will soon be out of school," said Cordell. 

"Yeah this is my last year as a senior," said Red Wolf. 

"So do you know what you want to do when you do graduate?" asked Alex. 

"Well I really have not thought about that, I was thinking about being a police officer or a rancher, since I love the land," said Red Wolf. 

"We can teach you both, how to be a rancher and a police officer, the police officer you will have to go through some intense training, and we will reach personally on ranching," said Cordell. 

"Cool I can't wait," said Red Wolf looking back out the window. 

So they continued the long road trip to Colorado. They arrived in town, they pulled up to the old-time grocery store. 

"We need to stop in here for a few moments, to get a few things," said Alex. 

They all got out of the truck and walked inside. 

"Wow this place is amazing, it is so beautiful outside," said Red Wolf walking towards the store. 

"Yes it is, it is a quiet town, every once in a while you will have a few crazy's but other than that it is quiet," said Alex. 

"Great," said Red Wolf looking around the store. 

"First time here?" asked the storekeeper? 

"Yes," said Cordell waiting for Alex to get done shopping. 

"Right from the reservation?" asked the storekeeper. 

"Yes, straight from the reservation," said Cordell. 

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