Chapter 13

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Alex poured Billy a cup of tea while everybody was waiting outside.

"Hey there, what is your name?" asked the man.


"That is a pretty name; do you want to go out sometime?" asked the man.

Red Wolf was watching.

"Thank you, I'm not interested," said Dawn.

"Come on," said the man.

"She said no," said Red Wolf leaning on the house.

"A little jealous are we injun," smiled the man.

"Jealous of what I just know how to respect a woman's personal space," said Red Wolf.

"Red Wolf; it's okay," said Josh.

"No, it is not okay I'm not going to let some guy come on this property and disrespect a woman," said Red Wolf.

"Billy, you better control your boys," said Red Eagle.

Billy looks out the window.

"They will be fine; they are just blowing off steam," said Billy.

"I don't want any fighting here," said Alex.

Cordell drives down the driveway.

"Disrespecting, that is all you injuns do is disrespect our women and a bunch of wife beaters and alcoholics," said the man.

Red Wolf stepped off the porch and got in the guy's face. Red Eagle runs out of the house while Walker speeds up the driveway throwing up dirt.

"Come back on the porch, come on, let it go," said Red Eagle.

"Red Wolf; back away from him," said Walker with his hand on his shoulder.

"You are a lucky old man; you would have already been on the ground," smiled Red Wolf.

"Alright, you have had your fun. That horse still needs to be done something with," said Billy.

" I know Billy," said Walker taking Red Wolf inside.

"What is wrong with you; you can not do that to people," said Cordell.

"I did not put my hands on Billy. Billy was being very rude to Dawn," said Red wolf.

"The kids have something they want to show you. Billy is lying to you about that horse," said Red Eagle.

"Not that again, I've told you, Billy is the best one I have," said Cordell.

"We have evidence this time," said Josh running upstairs.

"Please dad, just sit down and let us show you," said Red Wolf.

"Alright," said Walker sitting down at the table and starting to watch the video. And listening to the conversation.

"See, that man is a crook," said Josh.

"What are you going to do?" asked Red Eagle.

"Confront him about it," said Cordell.

"Dad he will lie right to your face," said Red Wolf.

"I know, if he does, I have the evidence," said Cordell.

"That horse does not need to be put down, he is a calm horse," said Alex.

Cordell shakes his head and gets up from the table and walked outside.

"Billy I need to have a word with you," said Cordell.

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