Car accident

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“It was due to the wild night we had last night” as everyone herd him there was a awkward silence.

Nobody expected such an answer. Kelvin has trying hard to control his laughter. Rose was speechless she didn’t know what to answer.

“Ahem.. I hope the business is going well Damien” Noah spoke to change the topic.

The lunch ended after hours. Everyone were leaving. James pulled Rose aside to speak to her.

“Rose how are you? Is he treating you well? Tell me I will not leave him if he did something bad.”

He removed his jacket and put on Rose to cover her. Rose just smiled at his brother and said “It’s too late brother.”

Damien saw Rose and James talking in the corner. He went near them and heard what James told to her. He removed the jacket from Rose and gave it back to James.

“I very well know how to take care of my wife. ” he said as he put his own Jacket on her. James angrily glared at him. Damien pulled Rose towards him.

Few days passed. Damien went to his office and came late at night, he had been very busy past few days.

“Ian, you can go I will go by myself don’t worry about me, you don’t have to drop me.” Damien said.

It was pretty late. He wanted Ian to go and rest as he had too been working too much lately.

“but sir…” he was cut off by Damien. “I said go” Ian could only say yes to his command.

Damien was driving his car he was too tired. The road was silent suddenly out of nowhere a truck appeared and hit Damiens car.

Damien was injured, his car was crushed. He tried to get out of the car. Luckily the airbags had saved him. He reached for his mobile and called Kelvin.

Kelvin immediately reached that place. He helped Damien to get inside his car.

“take me home” Damien said.

“Are you crazy? How can I take you home?” Kelvin shouted

“listen to me someone has planned this. He want to kill me and I am sure he has kept his men ready at the hospital to confirm whether I am dead or not.”

After hearing Damien, Kelvin drived him home. He tried calling their family doctors but no one picked. How can it be? Not even a single family doctor picked his call. This made him sure that they have planned all this.

They reached Damien’s mansion. Damien was heavily wounded. Kelvin supported him to walk in. Mrs Emma freaked out after she saw Damien in such a condition.

Rose was in the kitchen when she heard Mrs Emma scream. As she came to the living room she saw Damien being supported by Kelvin. He was bleeding from everywhere. Damien asked Kelvin to leave and told him that he was fine. Though Kelvin refused to leave Damien glared at him.

Damien managed to climb up to his bedroom. Mrs Emma asked Kelvin what happened and he began explaining. Rose ran up to the bedroom after hearing that there was no doctors available and Damien refused to inform anyone about it.

She saw the drops of blood everywhere and even the walls were stained.

Damien stood under the shower to clean his body but as the blood was washed from his body again it bled from the wounds it didn’t stop at all. He went inside his walk in closet to change. Rose entered the closest and saw him changing. It was the very first time she spoke to him

“You need first aid.”

Damien was surprised on hearing her. He ignored her and continued buttoning his shirt.

“please you are bleeding.  You will die if you loose more blood” Rose cried.

Upon hearing this Damien pushed Rose towards the wall and asked “why do you care? You will be the most happiest to know that I will die” he said.

“Please” she said tears flowed from her eyes, she could not control it. She too had no idea why she was crying for such a man.

Seeing her like this his heart pained. It was a feeling he felt for the very first time and had no idea why did he felt like this. He could  only sigh.

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