a lot to work through

324 14 15

sneaking back into the dorm wasn't as easy as venom made it out to be.

i was initially just gonna sneak in through my window, but venom started complaining about being hungry, so i decided to enter through the first floor like a normal person would. except, i was holding a cat carrier and was climbing in through the kitchen window. totally not weird or suspicious, definitely not.

i creep over to the fridge, digging around for anything that venom wouldn't complain about, but when he didn't stop, i moved onto the pantry. there was plenty of junk food in there that he made me grab, and i let out a small groan as he continued to talk.

salty foods are good for you, dumbass

'not all the time you fucking idiot, especially not when you make me eat this kind of crap all the time! i swear to god, you're gonna make me get diabetes or something one of these goddamn days because of your unhealthy eating habits'

you're lucky there's no fucking tater tots in there, or else i'd be shoving them down your throat you ungrateful bitch

'IM ungrateful?! BITCH-'

"it's past curfew, sasaki."

i literally almost fell because of the speaking shadow, and i had to clap a hand over my mouth to keep from shrieking in fear. snapping my head to the shadow, i watch with wide eyes as aizawa comes out of the shadows with an unimpressed look on his face. he practically glares at me, and i take his silence as a chance to look him over, wincing when i see that he's wearing clothes more casual than usual for once.

"fuck," i mutter, and his glare intensifies.

"what were you doing out so late? the others have all gone to their dorms, and your curfew passed thirty minutes ago. also, what in the hell are you carrying?"

i follow his eyes to the cat carrier, smiling sheepishly at my teacher and setting it and the food venom made me snatch down so i could hold my hands up in defense.

"in my defense, i didn't mean to adopt a cat. i've always been more of a dog person myself, but this cat kinda just plopped herself on me and i fell in love and i didn't wanna leave her, so i kinda adopted her. don't worry, she's healthy and everything and i won't let her get in the way of training or class work or anything, but i already paid for her and i love her so please don't make me send her back or something."

i take a deep breath after i finish my rambling, watching aizawa nervously as he simply stares at me. then, he turns his eyes on the carrier, and walks over before crouching down in front of it.

"what's her name?"

it took a second, but i managed to tell him, before he poked his finger into the carrier and made a soft noise. my eyes go wide as i watch his face contort into something i've never genuinely seen on his face before.

a smile

holy fuck it's the end of the world 😀

'how did-'

"you can keep her," his voice cuts through my internal conversation, and i let out a relived sigh as he stands back up to normal height. smiling gratefully at him, i nod, but he just simply scowls at me once more.

"no more surprise pets. koda already causes me enough trouble with that one considering he's always taking in more and i can't keep count anymore of what's actually his pet and what's not. don't keep the same habit, or i'm putting you on cleaning duty for a week," he threatens, tone deathly serious.

i nod vigorously, even going as far to saluting him in my anxious panic. he rolls his eyes, then pats me on the shoulder, and snatches up a couple of the bags of chips i'd been bringing with me back up to my room.

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