The Beginning

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(A/N Hi! This is my first story, so please be kind! Just a couple of tw's, some blood, death, small injuries, unsympathetic character, sword slash to da face, and anxiety. Please be safe! Also just a smidgen of dnf, for the fluff ;) Feel free to tell me if I made a mistake in my writing, it really doesn't offend me at all, just so long as you aren't rude about it. If you like what you read please leave a comment, because brain needs ~~~*validation*~~~~

Anyway, hope you have a good day/night.



Small droplets of blood trickled slowly and gracefully down my wings. Leaving behind me a mural of deep red swirls, and staining my white feathers crimson. But there is no need to worry my friends and enemies. Most of the blood isn't mine.

I carefully maneuvered through the mass of dead that had once been the group known as the Ozul. The Shadow Cult. I, of course, was disappointed that they weren't housing the man that I was looking for, but I did end up finding a hidden enchanted library. So my day hadn't been completely ruined.

 I hummed to myself as I retrieved my sword, Nadir. It was buried deep into the chest of the Shadow Priest. Its beautiful silver hilt glimmered in the low light of the cavernous room. I pulled it free easily with a soft shinkk sound. Looking closely, I inspected Nadir. There seemed to only be one little chink in the blade from where it had pierced through the netherite chestplate of one of the guards.

A small smirk played across my bloody lips. One chip in my sword, a busted lip, and one small cut just below my left shoulder blade. I'd say that was a pretty fair trade for nearly twenty dead and a new arsenal of enchantments. 

Now, time to leave my message. I leaned over the body of the Shadow Priest. He was the most influential corpse in the room. Just the person I needed to make another one of my statements. I crouched down, and gently brushed the graying hair out of his unseeing eyes. With a quick, practiced move, I cut into his face. Congealing blood burbling from his pale visage. with delicate intricacy, I carved two letters onto his face. XD. My target would know what that meant.

With a huff, I stood. Sheathing Nadir, I stretched out my wings. I glanced disdainfully around the bloody cavern, before picking my way through the carnage. There was an enchanted library for me to explore before the L'manburg heroes caught wind of my latest adventure. So I made my way, with only a few soul lanterns to guide my way.


"Hey!" someone shouted as a man clutching a bundle of papers in his hand barreled recklessly through the hallway of the L'manburg Hero Center. 

"So so sorry!!" a young man called frantically over his shoulder, as he continued to run as fast as he could to get to Dream's office. He took a sharp right at an intersection, and ran straight into someone's chest. Oof. He stumbled backward, nearly tripping, when a hand shot out and grabbed his shoulders. 

"Yo! Artificer! You alright?" 

Artificer regained his balance and saw the black hair that was starkly contrasted by a white bandana.

"Blaze, thank Prime..." Artificer said, breathing hard. 

"Dude, what's going on?" 

Artificer pulled in a deep breath.

"It's- Saint- she hit again." 

Blaze's face immediately hardened. He gripped Artificer's shoulders firmly.

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