A Dangerous Plan

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(A/N Hi y'all! I'm back with chapter two! Nothing overly violent in this chapter. There's some SBI fluff, along with BBH. A touch of Skephalo. Some tw's:

Thoughts meant to cause light anxiety?? Character having a little bit of panic. I have no clue how to word that. Mentions of death. Other than that, nothing too crazy.

If you like what you read be sure to leave a comment so brain can get the happy chemical!

Have a good day/night


"A chocolate chip muffin for Mara!" the cook announced cheerfully. I stood up from my little table that was tucked away in the corner next to a small window that had a pretty good view of the street. I walked up to the front counter where I was greeted by the familiar fang-toothed smile of one of the best chefs in town.

"Hey Bad, how've you been?" I asked, returning the smile. Many were scared off by the demon hybrid, with his long twisting horns, and blood red eyes, but Badboyhalo was one of the nicest people I had ever met. Which, I mean, the title didn't really have a whole lot of competition in my line of work, but hey, BBH was a refreshing surprise. 

"I've been fantastic! Skeppy finally managed to make a batch of cupcakes without starting the kitchen on fire!"

I laughed and gave a little mocking clap. While Bad was an amazing cook, Skeppy tended to accidentally set things ablaze. 

"Alrighty kiddo, here's your muffin. $2.74." he said, nudging the delicious smelling muffin across the counter towards me. I pulled out three crumpled bills from my pocket. When Bad opened his diner, he made sure all of his prices equaled out to an even dollar once you included tax. If he weren't a demon, I'd call the man an angel. I handed him the bills and grabbed my muffin.

"Thanks Bad! Tell Skeppy I said congrats!"

 Bad laughed and waved as I went to sit back down. My laptop was open and ready for today's research as I dug into my muffin. I winced a little when my split lip opened back up, but the delicious chocolate chip muffin was totally worth it.

 I shifted a little as my wings tweaked in protest. It wasn't super hard to hide them, they just kinda folded themselves into my back. No one could even tell I had wings if I didn't want them to know. But hiding my wings is a pain, and they are always cramped when I reopen them. Ah well, the things we do to keep our identities safe. 

I stuffed the rest of my muffin in my mouth and got to work. The Ozul Cult had been a bust (minus some sweet new enchantments I found). My mother's killer was still out there, still unpunished for what he did to my family. The only positive of him still being alive and unfound was that I always got a grim sense of satisfaction to know that he was running. Running from me. He was scared. As he should be. I wasn't known for my mercy. I was so lost in thought that I almost didn't see the new people walk in.

The movement caught the corner of my eye, and I quickly exited out from my dark web page. The chances that strangers would come over and sit by me was low, but never zero. And there was no way in Prime that I was going to let anyone catch wind of what I was after. If worse came to worse, I could use my powers. 

After I made sure they weren't coming towards me just yet, I wasn't overly interested in them, I just would keep an eye on them until they left or sat down somewhere else. There were four of them, all boys. The oldest couldn't be more than thirty five, and by my best guess the youngest was somewhere between sixteen and eighteen. The tall blonde may have looked to be the youngest, but by Prime the child was loud. 

He seemed to be rambling on about nothing in particular, while only one of the others listened to him. This one had curly brown hair, and was sporting some rather fashionable rounded glasses. He seemed to be the tallest of the group, but he was closely followed in height by the third boy. He had pink hair, tied up into a bun. He was more muscular than the others, but he wasn't talking nearly as much. His nose deep into the covers of a book. The last man seemed to be the father of the three boys, with his blonde hair and a funny looking hat. I couldn't see his face, but he was laughing at something the child had said. They looked relatively harmless, but something about them felt... familiar. I just couldn't tell what. 

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