Chapter Two

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Chapter two:

The family sat down for dinner at the newly set table soon realizing the missing member, they sent Camilo to go get him as it was his turn. He walked up the steps and opened the door louder than intended, it opening with a loud crash. He was not expecting this to say the least. A very much younger version of his tio had ducked back above the cover of his platform. He crept in slowly. "Bruno?" He asked the 15 year old boy. "H-how do you know my name?" Bruno questioned. He could see as his tio trembled on his platform, now realizing that he was using his wings to hover over and protect his rats. His tail waved to the side and back contemplating on how to calm Bruno down. "Hey I won't hurt you, I just want to talk to you. Nothing bad will happen I promise." Camilo said it with so much concern in his voice Bruno wanted to believe him. 'Are you sure?' He questioned, still cautious. "Yes, could you come down? Please?" This was new to Bruno, after all no one other than family had said please to him since he was four. He was silent and Camilo worried he had done something wrong until he saw his tio slowly getting down from the platform, sandals softly clanking down on the wooden flooring and tail brushing against the thin layer of sand on top of it. Bruno slowly shuffled closer, Camilo did his best not to move much as his tio was clearly terrified. "Uh... what...what was your name?" Bruno asked slowly, getting his words out. "Camilo." He responded. Bruno paused for a moment before telling Camilo in a hushed tone, 'B-Bruno. My name is Bruno.'

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