A reason to live

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Donald woke up to a sudden.. dampness in the night growing confused until he realized it had been around 8 months and his husband of 7 years was pregnant and he quickly jumped up lightly shaking his sleeping lover who rubbed his eyes and asked what was wrong until he felt it too and both shared a look of realization in the dark and immediately was Donald rushing around the house packing a baby bag and Joe slowly got up to change lightly smiling when he saw his husband packing until a contraction hit him hard enough to cause him to practically kneel over. "Sweetheart!? Are you okay! I shouldn't of left your side!" Donald cried out rushing to Joe's side who was obviously in pain before he huffed explaining it was just a contraction and he would be okay. Donald was done within 5 minutes and instantly rushed his husband outside to the car both in their night clothes. Donald was most definitely going past the speed limit just to get to the nearest hospital and to get checked in. After a lot more crying , yelling , tenseness and bl€€d!ng finally Joe was there holding his baby boy, Jonald Trump or Jon for short. If there were two people Joe could say he loved the most in this world right now it would most definitely be Jon and Donald both holding a special place in his heart. Jonald Trump was born at 1:52 AM on February 6th , 2022 weighing in at about 7lbs 6oz and Joe loved his baby all the same knowing that life without his husband and now newborn wouldn't be worth living. Joe could truly say he was where he belonged now with the ones he loved and truly cared for.

Donald x Joe Biden (so cute 💕) (mpreg omg)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora