My life with you will be long lasting

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Donald had driven his husband and now newborn son back home and it was obvious poor Joe was tired. Donald worried for them unsure how his baby would adjust to it's new life and he feared for the future. Donald knew that in today's schools kids were ruthless and feared that his child would get bullied for having two dads and especially with having two dads of high class. Donald frowned glancing towards his drained and sleep deprived husband until finally he pulled into their garage and nudged Joe who looked up with bleary eyes and Donald could practically feel his heart melt before he informed him in a soft tone that they were home now and Donald took Jon from Joe's arms carefully unlocking the door with his free hand and going upstairs to put the baby in his crib. Meanwhile Joe was slowly walking to the door ready to collapse at any minute before he finally fell onto the couch his bones aching and he was so tired he didn't even noticed Donald quietly stepping down the stairs which resulted in Donald carefully scooping Joe into his arms and lightly setting him on their king sized bed, kissing him atop the head and pulling the blanket to his chest. "Get some rest. You'll need it. It's just the first day of many and I'd be honored to share the rest right by your side." Donald whispered into the night knowing this would go unheard but it was still worth it to get this off of his chest per se.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2022 ⏰

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