Chapter 2

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"Ok Marina, if seven multiplied by x and the sum is thirty five, what dose x equal?" " x equals five." Answered Marina, getting the math right, again. She and Conner had be studying for a half hour, and Conner was already complaining.
"Haven't we done seventy five problems?" He moaned, slouching down in a kitchen chair, his brain bulging from the math. "Oh, come on Conner, we have a test in a week!" She said, trying to control her temper, and failing.
"All the more reason to not worry about it in a week." He mumbled. Marina face palmed. Conner had no pride in his grades. "Ok, just one more...." She said. "You said those same words thirty five problems ago!" She wasn't listening.
"Ok. I'll give you a easy one, Bob has nineteen candy bars, he eats seven and three tents, what dose bob have now?"
"Diabetes" Conner joked. He sat up in the chair. "Ok we're done, now can we play mind-craft?" Before Marina could answer, the door bell rang. "I'll get it!" Conner hollered up stares to his mom. He ran to the door and quickly opened it, and standing there was a boy, a younger girl at his side, both with black hair. Conner jumped, but the two didn't flinch.
"Oh! Uh, hi." Conner said, looking bewildered. "Uh, can I help you?" "We are people who moved in next door said the boy,his expression soled as a rock. "My name is Gray Wing, and this is my little sister Sabrina." The girl shyly waved at Conner, her blue eyes smiling, but her face was the same as her brother's, still and silent. Conner waved back. "My name is Conner Helton." He said. Gray's eyes looked into the house. "May we come inside?" Conner was a little hesitant bringing them in, but he held the door and they walked into the house. Marina was still at the table, reading a book.
"Marina." Conner said. She looked up from her book, and carefully marked the page. She got up from the chair and jumped, she was not expecting to see two strangers. "Oh! Uh, hello?" "We just moved in next door." Said Sabrina. "I'm Sabrina." "Im Gray." "I'm Marina Baker." She replied, fumbling over the words. She stuck out her had, but nether of the shook it. "We better leave." Said Gray, taking Sabrina's hand. He and his sister walked out the door, neither bothering to say good bye.

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