Chapter three

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What is stronger than the human heart which shatters over and over but still lives
Ruli kaur

The bell went off and the class was dismissed,Everyone including me stood up hurriedly taking up our things as the teacher said something I didn't quite get. I walked out of the door walking towards the cafeteria but I stopped in my tracks as I felt someone's gutted gaze on my back ,my skin covered up with goosebumps as all hairs on my body stood up .

Turning slowly I scanned the place but it was just Floyd the nerd who walked past into the cafeteria,the cafeteria had sessions as everyone sat with their own type of people from the popular girls and boys to the actual nerds. It was a tradition that new students sat with the nerds for awhile and if by any chance u do something uncool then u just stay there . I expected to see zeminah but she wasn't there looking around I then spotted her just before she took her sit at the popular table. Everyone gasped I mean u don't just go to th popular table ,not when Mardlyn ruled the school .

""Wrong move""
I thought as I watched her adjust and sit comfortably  ,I started trailing off to take my food making sure to still steal glances at the popular table because I knew the drama would soon begin . Just as I took my food about to walk to my table I heard it loud and clear
"Who TF do u think you are?" Mardlyn said standing up but zeminah just kept eating not paying any attention to her
" You don't belong here wierdo " she tried again but zeminah still didn't spare her a glance this infuriated Mardy so much ,I mean  could literally see the steam coming from her ears. Fuming in anger mardy pushed zeminahs food to the floor ,smiling in victory thinking she already won

The whole cafeteria grew quiet ,and I began to feel like it was ten degrees in here I was freaking freezing in a sweater , zeminah raised her head slowly and looked Mardy dead in the eye a smirk appearing immediately
"That was a ittle petty don't u think ".
Standing up so quickly that no one noticed what she was up to zeminah grabbed maddys smoothie and splashed it straight into her face ,the water droplets turning ice as it hits her face but melts down immediately.
Mardy screamed in pain well every one including left our mouths wide open .

Okay what the actual fuck just happened I said watching as zeminah sat back down like she didn't just damage Maddy's face, while  Maddy was rushed to the school nurse . Okay something def wrong with this girl ,everyone went back to thier normal lifestyle wait, wait ,wait a damn minute , are you telling me that they didn't see the smoothie turn to ice cubes and then melt immediately it hit Maddy . After break over and I had my last two papers and now its time to go home ,I walk out of the school bumping shoulders  but she didn't ones come to address Anything.

I got home feeling exhausted from school ,took dinner and when to bed but I kept tossing and turning as I couldn't sleep ,then I froze I had the same feeling earlier and it definitely wasn't good ,come out of my bed I took out of my bed not forgetting to take my bat for protection ,I took slow calculated steps towards the door and opened it , tiptoeing till I was in the living room ,I scanned the area but there was no one there ,I hurriedly locked all doors and locked all windows ,letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding I turned my back only to be met with two eye balls staring at me ,and then sharp pain on my head
Black out

I got home feeling exhausted from school ,took dinner and when to bed but I kept tossing and turning as I couldn't sleep ,then I froze I had the same feeling earlier and it definitely wasn't good ,come out of my bed I took out of my bed not forget...

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Hey y'all am sorry the chapters are short that's y I'll be updating twice a week ,I hope u enjoy this chapter and pls don't forget to vote and comment it would mean alot ,I love you all, also pls hit that follow button so u can get notifications f...

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Hey y'all am sorry the chapters are short that's y I'll be updating twice a week ,I hope u enjoy this chapter and pls don't forget to vote and comment it would mean alot ,I love you all, also pls hit that follow button so u can get notifications from me

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