chapter four

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Of all the liers in the world sometimes the worst is our own fears.

Rudyand Kipling

My eyes flattered open as I looked around ,no one was around every where was empty . Maybe I imagined it all ,maybe I hallucinated for a moment there but no,I could still feel pain in my head from whatever had hit me sigh this week could not get any worse. I stand up from where I lay on the floor and walk to my room locking my door behind me and I crash on my bed .

Waking up the next day my whole body felt hot I felt so sick but I couldn't ruin my perfect attendance so I got my self ready for school,my mom still wasn't back and my brother well let's not talk about him. He who must not be named dropped me off at school and I left without saying a word to him, when I entered the school everyone kept staring. Okay this day was getting creepier by the minute ,I'm the invisible kid remember no body is supposed to know I existed but we'll from the look of things that's the total opposite. I quickened my steps so I could go into the bathroom and be sure a bird didn't do the dirty on me ,as I hurried I pumped into someone . It turned out to be zeminah,she gave me a and angry stare which quickly turned to that of confusion and then regret ,then in seconds she went back to being expressionless.

"Why did u dye ur hair?" She asked walking away

Dye my hair? Why would I die my hair ?I said as I finally got to the bathroom

Holy shit my hair is red

I shouted my mouth hung open ,how TF is my hair red ,okay okay okay wake up now "

I said trying to make sure I was awake, I take it back this week can get worse . I took a deep breath trying to clear my mind and that's when it happened , sharp pain shot through my body making me scream . The pain was unbearable until I couldn't feel anything anymore , I saw myself in the woods walking through the grasses alone then I heard a scream . I ran towards it but Everytime I ran in one direction I heard it in another ,I kept running in circles until I was pretty sure  I was lost

I fell on my knees and screamed in frustration ,then a figure in good came out of no where and started coming towards me

"Listen to me Salvador" it's said still coming closer

"Who are u and how do u know my name " I asked in fear

"It's time " he said as he stoped in his tracks

Puting out both of his hands fear burning from it he held the balls of fire arms stretched out to me still chanting it's time ,im pretty sure I almost pissed my self at this point . Something told me to touch one of the balls and as I stretched my hands I couldn't stop so I picked the one on his right

" It's time " he shouted

"Salvador , Salvador" I heard my mom's voice in my head

" Salvador"

I opened my eyes to see my mom sitted beside me in my bed

"What happened ?" I asked

"U passed out in the bath room ,ur friend saw u "

"Friends? ,I don't have friends mom.

"Friends? ,I don't have friends mom

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Hey y'all so yes here's ur chapter ,I need to go eat now I'm starving ,hope u enjoy ,you know the drill ,comment and don't forget to vote and if possible hit that follow ❤️❤️❤️love y'all

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Hey y'all so yes here's ur chapter ,I need to go eat now I'm starving ,hope u enjoy ,you know the drill ,comment and don't forget to vote and if possible hit that follow ❤️❤️❤️love y'all

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2022 ⏰

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