🖤💜✨^^~~Uzi's Frist Night Mission~~##✨💜🖤

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++Uzi Pov++

Hie!~** My name is Uzi. Uzi Doorman, of course!

I love magical girls and romance anime, wearing bows, being good at DIY crafting, and I can make guns and stuff, but I think you already know that based on my name!

I'm currently getting ready to be called to the doors, where my daddy and mom work.

Usually, I don't mind going out since that means I can go outside in the daytime and find some stuff for the colony or my awesome projects. Which was what I already did earlier today.

But, for some reason, the WDF leader, who is my mom, wants me to search for stuff at night. When the Murder Drones come out to find and kill us! I learned that it came to a vote in the worker council, which my mom is also a part of. That's... weird since we usually send worker drones and WDF troops to ensure that a group comes back safely with supplies from another colony or from other hiding places.

Maybe my mom is testing me to see if I can be responsible. Makes sense, since my mom survived a murder sting before I was born and started to make the colony "safer" for future drones. By making guns, adding traps to the doors(which my dad made), and trained WDF troops to fight. This includes special training at school, too.

My friends are good at fighting, but sometimes I always fumble doing flips n' stuff. I'm more of a gun builder than a fighter, you know.


Oh no! My mom's calling me now!

After I heard that, I quickly put on my star bow, grabbed my personal "project"(which I wanted to show to my mom and peers... My dad has seen it and likes it, though!), and grabbed my DIY scavenger bag(which is cool, NOT CUTE! X< ).

As I walked down the hall, I saw everyone looking at me and whispering... something. I then saw my friends Liz and Dolly, who just noticed me waving at them.

"Hi, girls!"

Dolly: "Oh! Hi, Uzi!"

Liz: ".....Hi, GUNZI".

After realizing what she just said, I immanently pout from Liz's hello!

"Please stop calling me "gunny" or THAT all the time, Liz! That's not my real name and you know it!"

Liz: (Laughing) "I can't help it! You're so cute when you're angry, and your name is kind of a joke based on how you are! LOL!"

"Stopppp iiiittt, LIZZZZ!!!"

I gave her my angry face and made fists at Liz's shoulders while Doll giggled at us until I remembered what I was supposed to do.

"Oh, right! Sorry girls, but I have to get to the main doors now! My mom and daddy are waiting for me, so I gotta go! I'll chat with you guys later! Bye, gi-"

Liz: "Uzi, wait!"

I stopped running as Liz and Dolly caught up to me. Did... did Liz use my actual real name... for once???

Dolly: "We need to give you this stuff before you leave. You're gonna need it while dealing with... them."

They handed me Dolly's handgun and one of Liz's pocket knives.

"Why... are you guys giving me these weapons??"

Dolly: "Trust us. You'll need them."

Liz: "Please be safe. Ok?"


As I finally got to the main doors' entrance, I was grabbed by the arm by someone in the side hallway. I turned and it was...

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