✨🌙💫😱~I (used) to love NIGHTTIMEeeEEeKKK!~😈🖤💛✨

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++Uzi Pov++

I have been taking the route to the supply station.

Looking around I saw a lot of broken buildings and machinery left by humans. I know that long ago humans used to be friends with us, but..... also enslaved us to make working easier for them.

Mom said she was friends with one long ago and said that the human was kind of the reason why she and Daddy got together. But, when mom is not around, Daddy said that the humans on this planet would misuse us by making them do hard labor, damaging them, or making them do... unsavory things. He then would say that only mom's human friend was nice to all versions of drones, no matter what any drone's purpose and/or function was.

I wished I met them too...

They sounded like a really nice human!


I then finally got to the supply station.

It took about... a few hours. Like 3, maybe?

By looking at it, the station was once maybe a gas station of some sort, by just looking at the skelly remains in the chairs. The windows were also broken, probably raided by rogue drones in the past or by the planetary explosion.

The station was not what I have expected it to look, but I can't be a judgie nutty, can I?

My first thing to do was to check if the station had or is being raided by either other non-allied workers or... them.

The second thing is to ensure both or either of those kinds of drones are still around the area. I did not hear or see anything unusual (or dangerous), so I guess I'm safe for now?

And, lastly, I have to check to see what is still in the station or not. So, I put in the passcode mom gave me, opened the cellar door, and walked down the steps. The underground room I entered was full of stacked backup oil cans, two chests full of wires, empty liquid containers, and a fridge full of frozen food.

While I was checking the last items, I noticed a light under a closed door....

...Probably might be just some emergency backup power generators Mom put up~!

After I left the supply warehouse, I took the route Thaddie gave me earlier instead. Since he is good at mapping things, it will be easy to get back home in probably an hour or two. Along the way, I found a pipe, which was slightly broken, but can be used to mend things. This must mean good luck since we need a new pipe to fix the mine oil supply at the bunker! Everyone would be so proud of me! (X3)

This... is a weird route to take. Mom and Daddy might be worried about me by now, so I better hurry up. And, by looking at the sky, I noticed that it had gotten almost very dark very quickly.

Thaddie's route seems helpful, though, since I started to see a few familiar areas I have been in while taking the supply route.

As it seemed that I was almost near where the colony is, I heard something following me. I stopped and turned, but I did not see anything. At first, I thought that I was just hearing something fall on the ground or that it was just the wind...!

But... then I heard a...


Just as bullets begin to appear in view, I quickly dodged them and hid in a building's door entrance as quickly as I could.

The shooting then stopped.

Thank robo goodness for those bullet training exercises!

I then ran out of the building's other exit and ran into another building. As I quickly ran up the flights of stairs and hid from my attackers, I slightly peered through a window and noticed two worker drones in black coming out of the building, making me recoil back into hiding. After a few minutes, I checked again and they were gone.

The teachers were not joking when they said that there was more out there to kill us other than murder drones. In the past, before the murder drones came to our planet and before I was born, 5 (well, there were 7, but I only know these) worker factions were formed when we all became free from the humans' rule. The one that is trying to survive on this planet, the one who tries to help other worker colonies (which I the faction I'm a part of), and the rogue faction who wants to be truly free from any rule, who I have just horrifyingly encountered. And, there were other two fractions, whom I hardly know anything about thanks to the rogue faction I mentioned*.

As I was sitting thinking about this stuff, I noticed I was getting hungry, so I better get home, before my daddy freaks out... again, like when I didn't come home after Liz's "sleepovers" last time.

I then looked openly through the window again and saw the moon and stars in the night sky. If there was nothing out here trying to kill me right now, I would have enjoyed this, since I love nighttime, based on my bow's design.

Sadly, because of the weight of my adventure backpack, I fell through the window!

No, no, NO, No, NNNOOO!!! I have not even met my new baby sibling yet!

As I closed my eyes and was ready for a deadly impact on the ground below, I then suddenly felt two arms catching me in time. When I opened my eyes, I saw him.

The boy who saved me was wearing a black coat and black soldier cap, which seems like the cute boys' outfits from my animes, but his outfit was a bit more masculine and mature. He also had beautiful white hair that seemed to glow white.

He looked like a robo angel, with the moon behind him as his halo.

And his ***~eyes~***!!!

They were the glowing golden-yellow kind, like that one werewolf guy I like from that show!

Did... did the robo god finally bestow me with the true lover of my dreams, at last~~*******?

I was so frozen at the moment that only a second too late that I noticed his face...


His beautiful eyes changed had turned into a horrifying yellow X. And, his gorgeous lips opened up into a terrifying grin that revealed his drooling fangs!

After I saw that, I tried to free myself, but notice a slight pain on my body and saw his sharp metal claws holding me in place!

I then finally realized I was staring at the face of death all along.


It's the TANK!

THETANK: "Don't worry. I'll be quick about this!'

Just as he lunged at me, showing his sharp fangs, I quickly pulled out the pipe I collected earlier. It thankfully blocked him, but now he was angry, and was about to use one of his claws to stop me!

So then I kicked him where it will hurt the most!

His base b*llies.

He finally let go of me, and thankfully I fell on the building's roof with only small tars on my shirt on chest plate. I then grabbed the pipe and rushed to the stairway, hoping he was not chasing me down the stairs to the hallway.



Finally done with this chapter!😅✨

How would our sweet girl version escape this tall hot sexy boi- 🥰✨

 I mean monster?😊😅✨

You'll find out in the next chapter!😁✨

(Also for the Blind Uzi readers, the next chapter will be about our fav baseball cap boi drone! Just letting you guys know!😉😊✨)

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