Astrid's POV (earlier)

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I was riding Toothless mean while Hiccup was doing Chief things "Oh gods I miss him so much" I thought I haven't been in Properly date or go to a romantic flight in a long time cause when he is "Finished" doing chief things or he is very exhausted or someone calls him to help someone, and I'm really tired of it, when I thought of him being chief I thought " okay cool" but now I'm re-thinking about that, now He is more distant than ever an I can't support it. I want things to be like before, well you can't change the chief activities,but still, well I had to get out of my thoughts when Hiccup go in the house " Hi M'lady" "Hi hiccup, how is it going?" "Good thank I think that for the first time I'm not tired!" "That's cool" Finally maybe please ask me to a date " I'm going to ride toothless for a while" "oh okay" oh damn it "but I have a surprise for you" "great finally something romantic" he laughed "yeah but tomorrow, right now I really want to ride Toothless" he kissed me in the cheek and went to Toothless

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