Chapter 17

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He watched the boy in front of him, a few hours ago it had been the other way around, he had been the one in need of comfort. He pulled Dylan into a reassuring hug making the boy in front of him drop his shoulders and relax.

"I know this is a lot, but we can do this, just stay close to me ok?", he said making Dylan smile slightly and nod. Thomas was sure that they could do this, as actors they would have to work with unpleasant people all the time. He told himself that this was no different, however he would be proved wrong as the day carried on. For now though he was completely focused on this moment with Dylan. Thomas leaned towards the boy making their foreheads touch.

"Thomas I don't think I could ever do this without you...", Dylan sighed. Thomas shivered at the thought of the vulnerable boy in front of him facing his struggles alone during a stressful day such as this one.

"You're not alone ok? You got me, and you know I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.", he reassured him. He himself had his own doubts about this day but was too focused on his best friend to realise his own struggles that he would later have to face.

The pair shared a quick peck before giving each other a look of reassurance and adoration as they walked out of the small space together carefully making sure not to draw any unwanted attention towards the duo. Thomas made sure that they were always seated a few seats away from Natalie during the first few interviews. He knew that Dylan appreciated it even though he wouldn't mention anything about it.  The pair would share a few glances here and there but made sure that they went unnoticed by the press and other actors attending since they were yet to make anything official let alone figure out the details among themselves.

A/N: short chapter but thought I'd post it anyway lol. (Don't worry the next chapter will be longer and more eventful)

My light  (Dylmas)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant