Chapter 11

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He knew that Dylan would figure everything out eventually so he just blurted it out,

"Dylan, when I mean I got bad again I mean like really bad." As always Dylan was giving Thomas all of his attention so Thomas continued,

"It's gotten harder to separate dreams from reality and I broke the promise I made when we first met.", the tears in Dylan's eyes were evident. Thomas couldn't believe he had actually uttered the words. He wasn't supposed to but he simply couldn't keep Dylan in the dark anymore.

"How long?", Dylan asked with the tears still streaming down his face.

"Currently three days.", Thomas said not daring to look at Dylan.

"I love you, you know that right?", Thomas froze at Dylan's words but then he realised that he probably meant as friends so he chuckled while answering.

"Of course, I love you to!", Dylan sighed as he looked straight into Thomas's eyes.

"No like I really love you Thomas."


Then it happened, Dylan closed his eyes and slowly leaned forward. As soon as Thomas noticed he copied his actions and soon their lips would meet for the first time.

This feeling.

Thomas had never felt anything like this before, a burning sensation in his stomach. The kiss went slow and slowly escalated into an intimate dance between tongues.

After a while they slowly disconnected their lips and leaned against each others foreheads. Thomas slowly opened his eyes and was greeted by Dylan's beautiful brown eyes.

"I love you too."

A/n: Finally a new chapter!! Sorry for the wait :3

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