Chapter One: The Beginning of Everything

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      A soft shirt, tight pants, and simple shoes. It isn't much, but Karrson pulls it off. They slick back their fluffy hair slightly, packing some glitter around their eyes. The club scene is invigorating, even though it comes with risks. They have to watch their drinks, they have to be careful where the hands of others go; but they don't want to worry about those things. They want to dance recklessly and kiss handsome strangers. Maybe tonight will be their lucky night? The thought of Karrson meeting some handsome man by happenstance fills them with adrenaline. They're determined, tonight will be the night.
      Mid-November wind snaps against Karr's cheeks as they walk down the block toward the building. At least the club will be full of warm bodies. Dancing will heat them up quickly. As they near the entrance they see their favorite bouncer.
"ADAM!" They yell, scrambling toward the broad man in black.
"Hey, kid. You keepin' it clean?"
"Yes, pinky swear. Nothing crazy tonight."
"You said that last night. Then I watched you walk out of here three separate times with three totally different men. I don't even know how you do it!"
"Oh, come onnnn, you're being dramatic, It was only two." Karr snickers to themselves.
"Oh 'cuz that's so much better. I forgot, Karr's a little angel."
"Are you switching shifts soon?" Karr asks with puppy eyes, swiftly changing the subject.
"Soon, little one. Then I'll be right in, promise."
      Karr dances under fluorescent strobes, once cold but now glistening with sweat amongst a sea of other people; probably on speed. Karrson shouldn't be here, they don't need the risk of relapsing, but Adam will set them straight.
Right? They think.
      Adam always makes sure Karr is safe. He would certainly make sure that nothing goes wrong on a night as special as tonight. After all, this could still be the night. Maybe it'll be Adam? Maybe one thing will lead to another, and Karr can finally say what they've always been meaning to. Adam isn't just a friend, anyone can see that. From the "little one" to the "I'll be in once my shift is up, don't you worry, lover", it's no surprise to anyone that the two of them might be together.
      But they aren't. It hurts Karr a little, to want someone so bad, yet be too in their own head to express it. Tonight will be different. Karr orders a drink, then another, and a third. From their stance at the bar, they watch Adam walk into the building. The reds and blues of the club lighting hit his face in all the right ways, treating his body as something ethereal.
      He spots Karr in an instant. Making a beeline through the crowd, his sight set on the club angel before him. Adam wants Karrson more than anything. Wants to grab their willowy waist and push them up against the bar they're leaning on, groping them roughly and making them moan for Daddy.
      But he can't, and that drives him insane, to want such lustful and outrageous things from an innocent and angelic toy. Karr is 23, but they look like a damn kid from their years of speed and partying; thin, pale, rosy-faced, and meek. Adam is in his 30s. He hasn't considered it possible for the two of them to end up together, so he's settled on being content with the situationship they've stumbled into.
      Karrson is drunk. That much is obvious. They latch onto Adam and hold themself steady using his broad shoulders. Karr's wiry frame sidled up against Adam sends pulsating sensations shooting throughout the man's body.
      "Karr, gorgeous, you're hammered." Adam says, laughing nervously.
      "It's okay, Daddy, I'm having fun!"
      Adam's stomach drops. "What was that, Karrson?" surely he'd heard them wrong.
      "Don't play dumb, Adam, as if it's not obvious I've had my eye on you since we met." Karr says, slurring through most of it, barely keeping their head up.
Don't do this now, damnit, you can't mean it when you're drunk like this, angel. I need you to mean it for it to be real.
      "Come with me." He picks Karrson up swiftly and begins to carry them out into the city.
      "Daddyyy, where are we going?!" Karr pouts, wanting to stay and play more.
      "My house." Adam replies through gritted teeth.
      "Ouuu, Daddy's gonna play with Karrson because Karrson is such a good boy" they say, stroking Adam's chest and face as he carries them to his car.
      "No. None of that. You're wasted, Karrson."
      Karr pouts, pleading with their round eyes.
"Karrson, I mean it. You're drunk. How do I know you mean anything you're saying right now?"
Karr sits in the passenger seat, slumped and pouting.
"You're no fun. The one chance I have to tell you how I feel—the one time I get the courage to say it—you shoot me down." They turned away from Adam, staring intently out the window.
Adam pulls into the driveway of his home, with Karrson sitting alongside him in total silence. Should he say something? Is Karr upset with him? Did he ruin his chances? His thoughts are swimming. The 45-minute ride had been excruciatingly awkward, and now Adam can't sure where Karr's head is at.
"Are you sobering up, little one?" Adam asks, hesitantly
Karr looks up from the box of snacks Adam keeps in his car. Their eyes are a little clearer, and they seem more lucid.
"Mhm, Dada, I feel better." He smiles, slipping into littlespace a bit.
Adam keeps staring intently. "Say it again, puppy." The butterflies multiply quickly in the pit of his stomach as he hears it again.
"Dada give Karr uppies, pease ?" Karrson makes grabby hands and reaches out for Adam with a needy whine.
Adam immediately grabs the little one up in his arms, holding them tightly as he carries them into the house. Despite the club atmosphere, they still smell so sweet. He gently pets the back of Karr's head while they nuzzle firmly into his neck. He sets Karr on the couch and runs into his room for a soft blanket.
"Tell me, baby, one more time. Make me believe it."
      Karr giggles, blushing, and leans into Adam. "Dada, pease take care of Karr." they smile sweetly up at Adam.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2022 ⏰

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