Social Media Image Sizes for 2022

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Bobby Owsinski just sent this link in his email showing us what to consider when making social media posts in the proper size this year. 

"Your Social Media Image Sizes for 2022" music3point0. com/2022/01/18/your-social-media-image-size-guide-for-2022

It is important when creating promos and such that you choose the right sizes. I found that he missed Spotify's artists' canvas - a way to have a short video play on your "now playing" view when someone plays one of your songs.

Canvas is an 8-second visual loop that shows in a vertical format to fill the screen. It appears in the Now Playing View instead of your album artwork. (If you don't have a canvas added in the Spotify for artists view, then the default is your cover artwork.

Your Canvas needs to be:

3-8 seconds without any sound

no talking, singing, rapping - the videos are going to be shown on loop so you can't sync the words

Vertical 9:16 ratioBetween 720px - 1080p tallAn MP4 or JPG file

No rapid video cutsNo intense or flashing graphics

Stick to phone screen size  leaving some room around the edges- they may get cut off on some phones like my Samsung Edge.

Do not write text: skip your song and artist name. It already shows in the Now Playing view in the Spotify app.

Try to support the full story of your song during those 8 secondsPick the right type of loop:

Make it a continuous loop:

Hard Cut has clear edit points (they can be artfully disguised);

Rebound plays your clip forwards, then reverses it (an easy way to get a smooth loop)

Create a theme. Connect your Canvas identity to your album art, profile picture, header image, or even playlists. You could even create a narrative across an entire release.

Keep it updated. You can change your Canvas over time to tell a current story, explore different visions, or just to keep things interesting.

For more info, check out Spotify for artists.

Sometimes it's best not to add a canvas at all. Use your discretion!

I am sure there are many other social media tips out there. If I missed anything we artists/musicians should know please comment below!

Until next time!

- Liz

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