OrochimaruxFemale Reader: Time of Month..

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Y/N was obviously having a bad day. If Sasuke couldnt get a word out of her, then it was done for. the last person they could get was Orochimaru. "Y/N? what happened?" Orochimaru asked, knocking on the girls door. "Go away." Y/N grumbled in response. Orochimaru sighed. Evry time this happens, its either because she was angry or.. well that's it now that it was thought about. "Y/N i need you to talk to me or im coming in." Orochimaru told her sternly. "nooo." Y/N complained again. Orochimaru shook his head, disappointed, and went to open her door. Locked. "Y/N unlock your door or i will break it down."
"JUST GO AWAY!" Y/N shouted. it sounded like she was crying. "Y/N.. im going to count down from three for you to open the door." Orochimaru told her. "Three," Orochimaru counted, and Y/N opened the door. "W- what do you w- want?.." Y/N asked with a sniffle, and one of Orochimaru's snakes in her arms.  "What happened? " Orochimaru asked Y/N. "I- I just.. Just dont wanna talk to anyone.." Y/N sniffled. Orochimaru thought for a moment. usually she was out and talking to everybody about everything. Sasuke had begged Orochimaru to remove Y/N from the hideout a few times before he warmed up to her. but the only times she had not wanted anything to do with anyone was.. oh..
"Y/N, are you on your period?" Orochimaru asked with a sigh. He knew the answer already. it was obvious by how Y/N  acted. Y/N looked up at Orochimaru with watery E/C eyes. she proceeded to mouth "yes" and Orochimaru opened his arms. "Come here Y/N." Y/N ran into Orochimaru's arms, and They hugged. Orochimaru was never too compassionate, unless it's Y/N. He loved Y/N and Y/N loved him. Nobody really cared though. "I- Im sorry for N- Not talking to you.." Y/N mumbled in Orochimaru's arms. "Your fine. Lets get you some painkillers." Orochimaru said, and picked Y/N up, playing with her H/C hair, and walking twards Kabuto's workspace.
(AN: Yall i wrote this after a funeral bc i had inspiration finally. Im working on more requests and a whole other book for someone. Anyways thx for reading :>)

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