Sad prologue whatever

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Peace is all I've ever felt... until that night until that day. Every day I was praying hoping the God above would see what I was going through and would and would Allow me to float away.

Never happened though..

Your probably wondering who I am and what's
Going on. I mean if I was in your shoes I would be wondering the same thing. Anyways my name is Powder.. or it used to be? I don't even know who I am.
I'm.. still trying to figure it out sigh man i can't even sigh without laughing. Ughhh anyway let me just skip my sad pro.. pro.. what's the word.. oh yea prologue. Let me show you why I am what I am let's go back a few years no more than a few let's go back
To a long time ago we're I was still some what sane.

hahahaha funny joke...


Your still here..

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