And you'll never be pure again

38 5 1


You will be our new weapon

You have no place

They'll never come back

You'll never fail
I'm the only person that has ever been here for you

Your sisters left you here







I shoot up out of my sleep..

Searching looking hoping praying that where I was wasn't real and that I was still with my family in Ohio

I stared breathing heavily thinking about my dream

"No that's not true...

they they... they loved me?

Didn't they...

My door shoots open....

I see a man at my door

"Встань и оденься, он хочет тебя видеть" the man says

(Get up and get dressed he wants to see you)

He shuts the door behind him and I quickly stand up and through on my old dirty clothes that I've had since I've been here

After getting dressed I get and and my blue long hair falls behind me

I quietly walk toward the door and open it

The man is waiting outside with is yellow teeth and slick back hair.

"Поторопись, у нас нет всего дня" he says

(Hurry up we don't have all day)

He walks away

I follow him

After walking for a while we get to a door

A very big door

The man opens it and tells me to walk

I walk in the room and see a man sitting in the chair

Before I can walk out the room the door slams shut

Ах, я вижу, у тебя было приятное утро, не так ли 506 he says

(Ahh I see you've had a pleasant morning haven't you 506)

I don't know what to say so I just keep my head down

He grabs the face and make me look up at him

Говорите, когда говорите с 506

(Speak when spoken to 506)

I look up and say

"Мое утро было в порядке, сэр"

)My morning was ok sir)

"Тебе, наверное, интересно, почему я позвонил тебе, хм" he says

I look at him intently

"Ну, как вы, возможно, знали, Дрейков мертв... убит самим собой. Хм, как грустно,"

(Well as you may have known dreykov is dead... killed by some of his own. Hmh how sad,)

I look at him waiting to finish

"Вы видите, что этот мир забыл свои границы, и эти люди в нем избалованы и ни о чем не заботятся. Вот почему мы здесь, чтобы все исправить, и мы можем сделать это без вашей помощи."

(You see this world has forgotten its boundaries this world and these people in it are spoiled and don't care about anything. That's why we're here to set things right and we can do that without your help.)

"Моя помощь?"
I say

(Мy help?)

"Да, малыш, твоя помощь" he says

(Yes little on your help)

He gets up from his desk and comes behind me and gets close to my ear.

"Вы поможете нам сформировать этот мир и людей в нем к лучшему"

(You will help us shape this world and the people in it for the better)

"К лучшему" I whisper before I'm dragged off by two scary men.

My feet are sliding across the cold dirty floor

But I don't care

All I can think about is what this man said and how I was going be apart of something great.

While in thought I don't notice that me thrown on a hospital bed and my heads are being tied

I see a doctor looking guy come up to me with this weird metal thing.

He looks at me I think he can tell that I'm a little scared

"Не волнуйся, это не повредит" he says sickly

(Don't worry this won't hurt)

I nod and prepare myself for anything that is about to happen

"Готово через 5 4 3 2" I hear
(Ready in 5432)

Before I can hear the man say one the metal things are on the sides of my head and shocking me

I scream in pain and agony

Never did I think that 2 metal cylinders would hurt this much

I felt my eye close and before I knew it all the happy
Memories I had were replaced with bad ones and


I wasn't the same

I felt off

I felt cold

I felt..

I felt...


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2022 ⏰

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