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I opened my eyes slowly, but the light was so bright it took me a while to open them completely.

I was in what it looked like a house. A really big house, but it was decorated as a hospital, with a bunch of beds and medical stuff.

I kept looking at the room, trying to get as many details as I could when the door opened. I saw a girl who was probably in her late 20s,/ early 30s with the hear by her shoulders and really pretty green eyes.

"Hey, you are awake" She said slowly putting her hand in my forehead to check my temperature "We though you were not going to wake up at this point"

I stared at her without saying a word. She didn't seem dangerous at all, but it was hard to know who can you trust after seeing what humans are capable of.

"Do you remember anything ? Anything at all?" she asked
I denied with my head. I did remember some things, but I had a lot of memories going on my mind right now, so I thought it would be easier if she just told me everything she knew.

"You were on the ground almost dead when my husband Glenn found you. Him and our leader Rick went out to get provisions, and when they were coming back they found you. They weren't sure about bringing you here, because you could have been dangerous and they didn't want to take that risk. Then they saw that you were a kid, and they knew they couldn't leave you out there almost dead by your own. How did you end up like that? Didn't you have a group?"

I looked at her for a few more minutes, trying to remember some details. It took me a while, but then everything slowly started to make sense.

"I was alone. Well, I have been alone for quite a bit now" that's all I said. I know they saved me, but I wasn't sure I could trust them yet, so I prefer keeping the details for me for now.

She gave me a little smile, but her eyes weren't precisely happy. For the way she was looking at me I think she felt sorry for me.

"I'm Maggie by the way. What is your name?"
"Im y/n"
She looked at me again like she was sad for me. Then she just smiled and went walking to the door.
"I need to go now but I'll be around. Come talk to me whenever"


It's been a couple hours since I woke up, but I was so comfortable in that moment that I couldn't get out of bed. Maggie came two other times to check on me.

The door opened again, I guessed it would be Maggie again, nevertheless, two men came into the room. One of them was short and was wearing a police uniform. The other one was Asian and looked younger.

How are you feeling? Said the younger guy.
"I'm feeling so much better. I just needed some sleep" I said looking at them.
"Maggie told us that you were alone" said the other one sitting on a chair next to my bed "Do you have somewhere to come back or are you thinking on staying here?
"I-I don't really know" and it was true.

I didn't think about what I was going to do. The smartest option was for sure staying there. For what I could see they had houses, and medical material, and it was probably the best thing I would ever find.

"Would you let me stay here?"
"If you want to stay yes. If you have made it until now I guess you know something about outside"
"I can manage myself, yes" I said

We kept talking for a while. Rick and Glenn were their names. They talked to me about everything that was going on there, about the rules I had to follow and about everyone in their group.

"I have a son named Carl. How old are you again?" Rick asked me
"I'm almost 17"
"He is about your age. There are some other kids here, but I'm sure he will be happy to meet you."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2022 ⏰

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